but what we are saying we should have some basic protections from insurance company abuses, and that in order for us to do that, we are going to have to make some changes in the status quo. that we ve been debating for a year. . now let s bring in fox news watcher chris hayes, editor of the nation magazine. chris, why did the president go on fox? it s a really good question. i think that he he must think that, you know, fox has a lot of viewers and that some percentage of those viewers are persuadable still at this sort of late stage, that there are people watching those programs that haven t made up their mind, or he can cut through the misinformation that has been so prominent on fox itself to get to them. i don t know if that s a correct judgment, but that s clearly what is motivating him going on. were you surprised by the interview style, that kind of interruption? i m thinking back. i may be wrong, but i can t remember a televised
dropout of the bill? would like to have seen the senate move faster and more effectively to get a bill passed. we have done the best we can and it s a very strong bill that will cover 30 million americans and regulate the insurance industry and be a first step towards the next level of reform. we are accomplishing quite a bit this week. it s a historic week. marcos and roger, i want to thank you both for coming here and joining this question because i think it is a difficult strategic question for which i don t have the answer about how liberals should approach this kind of legislation. i really appreciate your insight on it. thanks. coming up, president obama takes a break from the health care fight to talk march madness. he picked last year s champion who got the presidential nod this time around. one medical procedure sees a 50%
premiums are going up 25, 40, 60%. i want to do something about it. fox turned to its e-mail pile for questions, which not surprisingly quoted fox talking points word for word. but the president, it turns out, gets a lot more e-mail than fox does. we asked our viewers to e-mail in suggested questions. more than 18,000 people took time to e-mail us question. right. and these are regular people from all over the country. right. lee johnson from spring valley, california. if the bill is so good for all of us, why all the intimidation, arm-twisting, cd deals and parliamentary trickery necessary to pass a bill when you have an overwhelming majority in both houses and the presidency? sandy moody in chesterfield, missouri. if the health care bill is so wonderful, why do you have to bribe congress to pass it? i get 40,000 letters or e-mails a day. i know you do. and i can read the exact same e-mails. but these are people. it s not just washington punditry. listen, i ve go
matter what we drop out of the bill as we go along? listen, i would have liked to have seen the senate move faster and more effectively to get a bill passed. but we ve done the best we can, and it s a very strong bill that will cover 30 million americans will, regulate the insurance industry, and will be a first step towards the next level of reform. so we re accomplishing quite a bit this year this week. it s a historic week. markos of the daily kos and roger hickey, i want to thank you both for coming here and joining this question, because it is a difficult strategic question for which i don t have the answer about how liberals should approach this kind of legislation. i really appreciate your insight on it. thanks. coming up, president obama takes a break from the health care fight to talk march madness. he picked last year s champion. who got the presidential nod this time around? speaking of march madness,
company abuses and that in order for us to do that we are going to have to make some changes in the status quo that we ve been debating for a year. now let s bring in fox news watcher chris hayes washington editor of the nation magazine. chris, why did the president go on fox? that is a really good question. i think he must think fox has a lot of viewers and that some percentage of those viewers are persuadable still at this late stage. there are people watching those programs that vice president made up their mind or he can cut through the misinformation that s been so prominent on fox itself to get to them. i don t know if that is a correct judgment but that s clearly what is motivating him going on. were you surprised by the interview style, that kind of interruption. i m thinking back and i can t remember a televised presidential interview of that kind where there was that kind