all of us, and of course the right-wing media. vaccine denialism on the right is among the most cynical, nihilistic destructive things i have ever seen in my career covering politics. fact is a-seat single most dangerous thing i ve ever seen in my career covering politics. leading figures in the conservative movement, conservative s leadership political opportunity and it, and reality is that in pursuing the, they are producing more death. thanks to the efforts of people like tucker carlsen, rhonda scientists and the right when the next pandemic comes, which we don t know when it s going to come, let s be clear, it could just show up tomorrow, our country as a whole will be in worse shape to deal with it than we were before covid. we will be even less equipped to manage it which is really truly remarkable when you think about how poorly we did the last time around. basically the highest deaths per capita in the richest part of the world. the party that wants to regain political power i
the answer is no ouch it was so clear that the e presidents arguments wouldn fly anywhere outside o cannon s courtroom, his lawyer didn t even bother appealing t the supreme court. so to recap, trump making ridiculous argument landed i front of a friendly judge he appointed to do precisely what he wanted, even a clea violation of presidential law. so you ask yourself, how exactly did she get in the bench? we went back and checked the tape it turns out there was not a ton of very heavy vetting. judge aileen cannon is a membe of the federal society, whic vets conservative judges she was confirmed in the lan duck session, five days afte was clear that trump had los the election while we still at planning s attempted coup. the confirmation cam judge cannon for a g yes, no, peaceful ly i swered about 90 writtefollow-upn she had any discussro your nominatabout lt that was prettch it. mitch mcell fede otrump, society judiachinegetting peopli cannon on the bench, no matter how embarrassing an