The West Virginia Public Service Commission Consumer Advocate Division has questioned a PSC staff recommendation to exclude West Virginia American Water from a staff-proposed $70 million hydrant replacement grant program. West Virginia American Water is the state s largest investor-owned utility, but some publicly owned utilities have higher operating revenues per hydrant than WVAW.
WHEELING – Curb and sidewalk work along Main Street as part of the Downtown Streetscape Project in Wheeling has been moving along briskly in recent months, and the West Virginia Division of Highways and the project general contractor are rearranging the work schedule to allow paving to occur much sooner that originally planned. The paving […]
Public Service Commission staff has proposed launching a $70 million grant program for statewide hydrant replacements aimed at helping small utilities. Data show big utilities operate a higher percentage of hydrants in need of replacement.
Public Service Commission staff has proposed launching a $70 million grant program for statewide hydrant replacements aimed at helping small utilities. Data show big utilities operate a higher percentage of hydrants in need of replacement.
The Wheeling Water Department has changed how you can pay your bills online.It is now using a new third-party online provider."For several years, customers have