WhatsApp recently rolled out a new feature that allows iPhone users to pause and resume voice recordings. Till now, the feature is available for WhatsApp users on Apple iOS and desktop. Now, the Facebook-owned platform is reportedly testing the feature for Android users as well.
A few weeks ago, WhatsApp started to roll out a new in-app camera design for iPhone users in the beta program. The Facebook owned platform introduced some changes for the in-app camera, removing the scrollable media bar.
These WhatsApp users may soon get new emoji feature - Rashtra News : Rashtra News #WhatsApp #users #emoji #feature #Times #India WhatsApp has started to roll out the emoji-shortcut feature for Windows users. As per a report by WABetaInfo, the Facebook-owned platform has started to roll out a new update for the Universal Windows Platform […]
The new update allows you to listen to voice notes even when switched to a different chat. The new update allows you to hit pause and play voice messages