lost its mojo, that they ve blown a historic midterm opportunity, that all because their primary winners were just terrible. you do have republican nominating, shall we say, flawed candidates. herschel walker in georgia, j.d. vance in in in ohio, dr. oz in in pennsylvania. what looked like a wipeout for democrats in the fall is maybe not going to be so bad because of the candidates. republicans are nominating. walker can lose ause, can lose, johnson can lose their bad candidates so smug and so wrong. liberal super pacs even helped boost the so-called election, denying republicans the primaries with the thought that they d be easier to defeat in the general elections. well, even our own senate minority leader joined the pig pile against his own party, trying to tamp down his party s expectations by blaming the populace. the maga folks. there s probably a greater likelihood the house flips than some senate races are just different or statewide. candidate quality has
Political conquences for what i was doing. I am an inspector general. It was one of the Staff Directors for one of the committees on the hill that we work with a lot. I dont want to name his name. He is no longer there. Tucker Political Considerations could have no bearing on this . Absolutely not. You are not a d or an r. You are an ig. Those are the letters that matter for you. This guy is just a pawn of the right. A shill of the right and attack the messenger. Tucker you heard complaints from the intelligence agencies, their information was on an unsecured server. You bring concerns to the congress and you are dismissed as a right wingplant . Absolutely. Thats a good point. The agencies were unhappy about what was going on. They were not happy their
information was not protected the way it should have been. This was seen as cavalier. When we heard about this to begin with, an unsecured server, we looked at each other and said who does that . What rules apply to that . Then a senator
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