The Bank for Everyone, DFCC Bank, one of Sri Lanka s leading banks, celebrates 25 years of pioneering renewable energy in Sri Lanka. Having the vision and understanding the emerging needs of. | March 29, 2022
The Bank for Everyone, DFCC Bank, one of Sri Lanka’s leading banks, celebrates 25 years of pioneering renewable energy in Sri Lanka. Having the vision and understanding the emerging needs of the nation whilst also being cognizant of the shifts in the global energy sector, the Bank has been promoting renewable energy in Sri Lanka […]
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC won the coveted ‘Best
Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2021’ at an annual event organized by
the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the country’s premier business chamber, to
recognize sustainable champions of the local corporate world. Citizens
Development Business Fina
Seit Ausbruch der Pandemie erleben Ayurveda-Kuren in Deutschland einen Boom. Yoga Schulterstand mit Abstand und Stirnguss mit Maske – das kann anstrengend sein. Es hilft aber dennoch, wie unsere Autorin feststellen konnte.