a moment. coma is now planning to extend his committee s critical investigatiol n into joe biden and his family s lucrative employment at penn biden center that mysteriously coincided with upends lucrative relationship with the communis t party of china during biden s employment at loop in tendste and tens of millions of dollars, we believe. sixty seven up to date fromersiy china pouring into.t the university at the very same time, hunter biden wasit the beneficiary of a very lucrative deal with a chinese energy company. and can you believe it.?at biden s private office upend the biden center made possible. by the communist party of tha china. you can t make that up. thatou is exactly whereed top secret classified obama era documents turned up.mplete but years later, we have full, complete details. grea at specificity. breaking news coming up now. tonight, we are witnessing a white house in full crisis mode. they are panicking in the westk wing tonight. biden visibly shaken a
the election. after that point, obamant, ob specifically wenam to t to zuckerberg. they went to twitter. an so this was part of an ongoinghh process through 17 and 18 . they all knew the russia hoaxtlt was exactly that, a hoax. eir gl thd their goal was not to just delirol the fake news, but to control the delivery of the fake news which poisonedtoda the american people. wod i bet if you did a poll today, i bet you would still have half of america, maybe more . they would think that trump and republicans had something to do with russia. and it s a shame.a that is really a shame.time steven miller, you were there the whole time. you followed this daily, as went did, and we all knew it was a lie. there was no evidence that backed up what they said. but the congenital liar,a mob, the democrats, the media mob, they pushed that phony conspiracy theory and rammed it down the throats. rammed i throatsof every americ. that i think devon is right. people would believe it. are expl well, t