we re e back with h martha stet onon this editition of lararryg live. we go to nashville, tennessee. hello. my question is, what do you feel is the biggest misconception the pupublic has a about you? > we re backck w with march stewart on larry king live. what is the biggest misconception the public has about you? i think there have been so many misrepresentations. whahat is thehe biggest miscononception. meanyny. > meany? > i m a sofofty. t there like her. there is a all this fefear, ad loathingng, and angeger, whichs directeded to you. i find i it amongstt my own f friends, either thehey worship p you or y say, t that woman makes me craz. when you think of her generation, it s ironic. she e made this s empire ididolizing anand perfectitg what her generation of women were trying to leave behind. how did you get into this, for want of a better term, bag, martha stewart s shtick? i had been a caterer, before that a stockbroker. do you miss the world of stock ex
my a ancestor s s arrival in the p port of vereracru, along withth millions s of othes througugh the centnturies, changeged history,y, creaeating moderern mexico,, and a gateteway betweeeen t and the rerest of the e wor. thisis is the crcradle of memex. everythihing starteded here. itit s also ththe cradle of mexicican gastrononomy bebecause all l ingredientns landnded in thisis spot. and alall the ingrgredients from m mexico leftft from he- chococolate, vananilla, the tomamato. can yoyou imagine e italian cuisinine without t the tomo or frencnch pastrieses withot chocolatate and vaninilla? imimpossible.. [u[upbeat musisic] the peopople of veraracruz totook this trtreasure troe of ingreredients pasassing in and outut of the poport and creaeated a whole nenew cuisine.e. wow. i i m eva longngoria, born andnd bred in t texas with mexicican-americacan ro, which h makes me a a texica. i m m exploring g mexico to e how the pepeople, theieir la, and their r past have e shad a culina
[draramatic musisic] - - over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the ballllots ththat are fraraudulent. anand if we rere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. but ifif we re rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letet s have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] - whwhen giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th,, what c came to my y mind was the riot at city hall.l. [c[crowd yelling] - - [whistlingng] - - they marchched arouound city hahall park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed ththrough the e barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall. [crowd c cheering anand yelli] - peopople called d it at the e ththe riot of f the oppresess. [crorowd yellingng] a a riot of popolicemen. [crowd y yelling] - you hahave a bunchch of offff-duty copsps. [crowd y yelling] - took ovever the roadadway
rock is probably the most cultural event in the history of america. it outswung the whole generation of freaks. it s what guys seem to get off on. they like the high-energy sort of event. if the sight and sound is your pleasure, you bet your bottom, we ve got them, baby. unless you have been living in a sealed cave, you probably noticed that america s latest craze is disco dancing. this is punk rock. its purpose to promote violence, sex and destruction in that order. pure rock n roll. pure stamina! rorock singer r jimi hendrd dieded today in n london, acacc to a policice source, from an overdose of drugs. > janis joplilin was found d last night. the cause of death was said to be an overdose of drugs. jimim morrison, t the lead sr for the dodoors, a rock k music group,p, is dead. he was 2 27. the early years of the 70s are sad in music. because you lose people. anand you losese the beatltles. the smamall gatheriring on saviville row isis onl
i thought that johnny carson came witith the tv s set. w what the hehell were yoyou thinking? dave was the new johnny, for me. i m not exactly a computer, slow down. it felt edgy before i was probably old enough h to appreciaiate what ededgy was. you betetter be as s good as letterman! i ll give it a shot. my heart dropped through my butt, exited my butt. holy [ [ bleep ]ining [ bleep p. this isis madness.. absolute madness. it makes every hair on my bodydy stand up.p. we rere on! but n nobody s a a late-nigh host u until they y are one. fires, looting, and violence, tomorrow we ll drown out the negative voices that have health us back too long. fires leading to violence, five people are dead the end of an era. after ruling late night television for 30 years, johnny carson steps down tonight. the buildup to the last tonight s show was l like a t that was going to be derailed, and all you can do is stand by and watch. here s bette midler.