Order a pizza topped with pineapples at any restaurant in Italy, and you will regret every little step that led you to making this decision. Because if there’s something Italians won’t tolerate, it’s pineapple pizza and cappuccino in the afternoon. But while some of the most controversial food preferences have to do with local culture and its quirks, the rest of it comes from our weird and wonderful personalities.
The same goes with our food opinions. Like, saying that mint choc chip ice cream is gross, tomatoes ruin a burger, or that Greek yogurt is sour cream in disguise. You may not be the most popular person in the room for stating this, but you’re surely not quite wrong either.
Everyone has one. A culinary guilty pleasure. No, not just chocolate or ice cream or junk food or whatever your wife or doctor have told you not to eat. I m talking about a go-to weird food combination. Something which, if you allow someone to see you consuming it, they re very likely to exclaim: Gross !! What are you eating?!!
We took to Facebook to ask Yakima: What Food Combo Do You Love That Everyone Else Thinks is Weird? The answers, some surprising, some truly weird, were plentiful and you could really sense a lot of pride in the sharing of these personal food favs.
traffic and warning residents to hunker down. so far, no injuries have been reported, and the extent of the damage won t be determined until after daybreak. well, today s forecast now. severe storms posing a threat again from the western plains to the great lakes. look out for hail, flooding downpours, powerful winds and tornadoes. storms along the gulf coast and in western texas. red flag warnings from nevada to washington. 90s from minneapolis to dallas and atlanta, 80s in portland, detroit and washington, d.c., 70s in los angeles and boston. well, it s that time of year, summertime. a lot of fairs out there, a different kind of food out there. you ll see butter sculptures, all kinds of weird foods at these state fairs. here s something a little different as well. today at the california state fair, they re wrapping up the first ever u.s. drone racing competition. 120 pilots from nine countries are taking part. those pilots you see wearing video goggles to give them a drone s