ultimately, three things ares in play. number one, nobody knows how to stop the leak, sarah palin doesn t know and you don tn t know and i don t know. number two, the clean upng to according to the new york times t, the theme is a fiasco.. the most liberal paper this side of the havana sun saysside you can t they can t coordinate the clean up.aid this is not a liberal conservative issue.hat but that s what the new york times is i am not here to defend the times.sign. but the president did showd leadership. i don t care about that.ig .> you read the story and i i ad the story. the new york times says so farim the clean up has been botched. do you believe it?it of course. we never got the proper information.bo it is more than we thought.ht. we were given and bp gave themmb if the clean up has been. botched. botched, if that is true, i didn t hear president obama hey the clean up has been