ultimately, three things ares in play. number one, nobody knows how to stop the leak, sarah palin doesn t know and you don tn t know and i don t know. number two, the clean upng to according to the new york times t, the theme is a fiasco.. the most liberal paper this side of the havana sun saysside you can t they can t coordinate the clean up.aid this is not a liberal conservative issue.hat but that s what the new york times is i am not here to defend the times.sign. but the president did showd leadership. i don t care about that.ig .> you read the story and i i ad the story. the new york times says so farim the clean up has been botched. do you believe it?it of course. we never got the proper information.bo it is more than we thought.ht. we were given and bp gave themmb if the clean up has been. botched. botched, if that is true, i didn t hear president obama hey the clean up has been
that speech is. speech is? go. stopping the gusher.usher that s the number one priority of the nation.ti nobody knows how to do it.o all the technology is being thrown at this problem. to do it. hes how we haven t had the assurance by the president that that that has been his top pry rt yo.and instead, what his top priority is, bill, is caping tax. s using it is using this crisis andle not letting it to go to waste, but using the crisis to increase the cost of energy. if that happens there will be an outcry. are you telling me you don t arink the president s top priority is stopping thatidt s o leak? is that what you are tellingio me? what i m telling you is that is not what i am hearing im and what the american public is hearing from the tophe official in our government. and that s why the poll numbers show that the public,ow we don t know where to turn ifso we can t trust bp to be able to fix this leak. can t we know we can t trust the government. they have had eight w
overseeing and regulating and coaching this whole process lk. and issue of stopping the leak, and they have not succeeded, and so the people are very,fr very frustrated. too we have to know that president p obama s number one priority is on to stop the leak. i m assuming that it is. i am assuming it is.s. the reason i m pleased to have you on the program tonight ishe there is not a governor in the united states who has more experience than you do dealing with the oil companies. you have already said yousa can t believe them. their word doesn t mean muchord when you are debating issues as far as the oil company sasil interest and the interest of the people.insts you can t believe them. okay. now the oil company bp says, we don t know how to stop theop leak. we willle try x and dig anothero well and do this. we don t know. k obama obviously doesn t knowob how to stop the leak. do you know how to stop it? w well, then what the federal
transportation, we don t have any other choice. and barack obama can spend hiscp country intoen bankruptcy, buto right now it is a pipe dream.aci correct? correct. let people drill on land where it is safe safer. even pa lynn says anwar, comeu k on.e there will always be risks and spills, but the national cis commission, right now they shoue should be focused on cleaning lp the spill and leaving bp alone to let them plug the league. the leak. wait, leaving bp alone? bp do you think the government can plug the leak? to i don t know, but bp needs su to pay every american suffering. that s afterward. i want them to pay them as you no. going what will they use as money? if we put it in escrow, who will run it. i will run it.? if they keep the company r going they will have money tohe pay the damages.going. they made $17 billion at
have directed bp to mobilizeiliz the additional equipment andnd technology. ys in the coming weeks and days, they should capture up to 90% t of the oil leaking out of the well. this is until they finish relie drilling the relief well in the summer that is expected to stop the leak completely. already this oil spill is the worst environmental disaster america has ever faced. an unlike an earthquake or a hurricane, it is not a single d event that does damage in aer matter of minutes or days.s. the millions of gallons of oilil that have spilled into the gulf of mexico are more likeidi. an epidemic, one we will be fighting for months and even years.ma but make no mistake.ill we will fight this spill withith everything we ve got for as f long as it takes. for we will make bp pay are to theas damage their company has cost. l and we will do whatever isssary necessary to help the gulfst coast and its people recoverecov