YEah, yEah, yEah. I know. That fEEls good to bE onEEls Goo Top and thE bottom. Happy tuEsday, EvEryonE. EarliEr, prEsidEnt bidEn addrEssEd thE UnitEd Nations GEnEral AssEmbly for thE lasr tT TimE as commandEr in chiEf. HE said, ill miss sai thEir colorful costumE and thEld way thEy sing. Its a small world, AftErEr L all. EarliEr today, thE prEsidEnt Earl thE un, ng lEasEd asking lEadErs from All OvEr ThE World to put asidE thEir diffErEncEs and EnjodEy amEricas quality. HE thEn lEd thE EntirEy AssEmbly in a rousing pErformancE of dEatH To amEric a. But in a sign of goodwill, israEl prEsEntEd him with a monogrammEd pagEr. YEah, so PrEsidEnt Erdogan of turkEy also addrEssEdassEmb ThE GEnEral AssEmbly today, causing onE man to ask, did SomEonE TurkEy . NEw footagE of an unidEntifiEdn jump in scotlands loch NEsshu SuggEstsmp in thaT ThErE might bE two loch nEss monstEr. ThrEE morE and thEyll havE a show. Jill bidEn mEt with Martin ShEEn and othEr actors from thE wEst wing. ShEEn said it wa
tons coming out of this crater every second. that s about 700 small japanese cars. but, looking at it, it s a beast. but, beautiful at the same time. and, also we had really sort of heart to heart experience when we were in the ash cloud. we heard about a woman that was living alone up in the valley there. we sort of drove to her and tried to find her. we found her eventually. we had problems with our cars because the air intakes were sort of filling up and cars were stalling on us. but we founder eventually. she was in a barn. when we got in there. she had just received two lambs. and there was a sheep giving birth basically. she had lots of guts. jon: the director of that national geographic project. thanks for being with us. you don t want to miss it. thank you very much. jon: national geographic channel documentary, naked