a banker to these immense pools of capital has always beenapitas a very good business as these nearly 40% rally this year0% ray is barely a drop in the bucket. there s been this great ifou that guy ever endorses anything canary islands, change your name. you re doing, moved to thee canary islands, changed your name because disney is coming. but just like after all the geniuses told you to buy sbb, even when it was on the brink of total collapse . what explains that? surely something does. we don tb. reall y know at s point. hopefully we will someday. what w e can say tonight is that s.v. be like the scammer s at sc amfdx had quite the public relations department. we re not some greedy we sol finance outfit that exists solely to generate cash for overpaid sleazeballs. you run it.s. no, that s not us . we may be a bank.e. we ve got the soul of an ngo. we care. we re saving the world. and to prove it, there s
ba banks in this country, wellsnkco fargo, bank of americauntry,, jp morgan, morgan stanley, collectively lost more tha nne fifty billion in market value in one day. that s quite a hiat s a ht. on the other hand , those bankss still exist. and you can t see that for bank.n valley as of this morning, silicon valley bank or svp, has gone under completely.es the that makes the second biggest bank failure in the history ofef this country and the significant sub finance, nearly half of all venture backed health care and technology companies in the unite healthcai states .ant cash it also apparently held significant cash reserves, just one of the biggestrves for cryptocurrencies, and it s now gone. federal regulators have renamed it and taken it over.ov and that means an awfu l lotf m more people lost an awful lot of money and most of that money was not insured. nhat theyno matter what they t, the fdic only guarantees bank fdicdeposits up to two hundred and fifty thousand. an
vessel s purpose is truly maritime related or whether it s not maritime related. and so that has to be discovered as part of the permit process as well. we do know that google has been working on the barge for months and there may be a second, even a third barge, one 27 miles way in maine and one possibly in connecticut. some reports say google s secret plan is to use the vessel as a sort of floating retail store or as a marketing base for its google glass project. that s the wearable computer that looks like a pair of eyeglasses. they ll retail pretty soon. other ideas are floating around here, too. sea net is reporting the barge could be a maritime data center, something google actually filed a patent for years ago. if that s the case, it would be a backup hub in the center of a natural disaster. it would use the water for cooling servers and the waves for energy. we don t b. we reached to google for answers. they didn t respond to our