baby girl. bernie mack is not somebody you want to plug into any sitcom. make sure he feels comfortable, not allowed to swear or allowed to be as big a personality as he would be on stage, that he still gets to do enough of what he does for the viewer at home to be like i like this guy. i feel like i m getting an authentic experience here. i told you television was not going to change me, and it hasn t. i still share what i want. you hear me? dad, we need to talk about something important.
i am here to help the world s childrens. there we go. this is outrageous. you go to greg gutfeld or wc fields on advice for kids. they hate kids. you see a manufactured crisis. why did you ask that question the way you did? democrats are not to blame. the mayor of tijuana has a problem for people in the caravan who are driving up costs. then you have the u.s. government and it s the trump administration that has created this crisis. how! you never say how. i will explain if you allow me sir. denying the people the ability to apply for asylum in due
post office with the wanted posters on the walls? my min question with the wanted posters on the wall, why didn t they hank onto this guy when they took his picture? seinfeld was the master of the minutia of life, the more specific he can be, the better. a boat inside a bottle. who has the patience. a writtenture craftsman. light, cereal, that was a balsy name, i always thought. life. squaries, it s much bigger than that. this is life, i tell you. jerry seinfeld is technically and workwise, the greatest comedian, someone who really cares about the structure of a joke. i saw a study that said speaking in front of a crowd has become the number one fear of the average person. i found that amazing. number two was death.
recent times, was about comedians trying to get as close to that profane world as they could without gets arrested. wc fields, an ornery guy, found a great way to swear without swearing, he would say drat. instead of beep. when he said drat, you knew what he was saying, he d say god free daniel, that was like goddamnit. without getting in trouble. so the rules were archaic by the time television came in. those rules remained, largely, you couldn t refer to sex, you couldn t swear. we ll write down everything that you do during the day, and we ll allow so much time for each thing. ten minutes for this, 15 minutes for that. oh, i m going to need more than 15 minutes for that. sexual innuendo is saying it without saying it.
baby girl. bernie mack is not somebody you want to plug into any sitcom. make sure he feels comfort nl, not allowed to swear or allowed to be as big a personality as he would be on stage, that he still gets to do enough of what he does for the viewer at home to be like i like this guy. i feel like i m getting an authentic experience here. i told you television was not going to change me, and it hasn t. i still share what i want. you hear me? a once-in-five hundred year storm should happen every five hundred years, right? fact is, there have been twenty-six in the last decade. allstate is adapting. with drones to assess home damage sooner. and if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. now that you know the truth. are you in good hands?