Can you take ego out of the creative process – and should you?
In the creative industries, it can be hard to divorce an idea from its author. But big characters can often put colleagues in the shade – and push through bad ideas by force of personality rather than consensus. On the other hand, pride in one’s work and a little self-confidence can go a long way – and who among us has never felt the sting of rejection?
This isn’t just a problem for creative teams. So, we asked strategists and planners, as well as top chief creative officers, creative directors and art directors, for their advice on how to sidestep ego.
So You Want My Job? Wayne Deakin Huge ECD surfs into ads, influenced by Steve Irwin
Welcome to So You Want My Job? where each week we ask the people working in some of the industry’s coolest jobs about how they got where they are. And, along the way, we dig into their philosophies, inspirations, processes and experiences. Hopefully, our interviewees can help inspire you to pursue (or create) a job that’s just as exciting.
This week we speak to Wayne Deakin, executive creative director for EMEA at Huge. But first, a reminder that you can subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter, Working it Out, which gathers up the best new marketing vacancies and helps you get interview-sharp.
What makes a winning entry: The Drum Awards Breakfast
What makes a brand campaign powerful, evocative, and truly unforgettable? Each year at the various awards at The Drum, hundreds of judges identify the campaigns that meet some of these criteria. And while there are many factors that go into how the juries at The Drum Awards select winners, what is that one common theme?
We sat down with five previous judges to share their insights and the do’s and don’ts of entering awards.
The three elements, according to our judges, that make a winning entry include: results, narrative and strategy.