donald trump felt with the rnc folks, and co kaitlan s point, loyalty. and leaking. scaramucci accused him of being a leaker. i think when you are the chief of staff and you can t hire your own communications director, that s basically the president saying, i don t have a whole lot of faith in you. he fought this guy there are a whole bunch of others on the white house staff who report directly to the president, not the white house chief of staff. toipt mai want to make a poi that. we have the white house chief of staff because eisenhower put that position there. it s based on the chief in command. they get the final results on who gets to see the president and all the major staffing decisions. this white house was not set up that way. this white house was set up with five or six senior power centers that all have direct access to president trump, and presidents
west virginia. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. gloria, it is rather extraordinary. we ve seen resignation now after resignation. sean spicer, the press secretary, resigned earlier in the week, his close friend and ally in the white house reince priebus now gone. right. i think in a way the reince priebus departure is not a surprise, although we did get pushback on it today, but we had heard when you say pushback, a lot of our viewers don t understand that. are these people simply out of the loop, they don t know what they re talking about, or are they lying? it could be a little bit of both, and it could also be that the person involved didn t know at that point. i mean, wolf, it s hard to know. all i know is, you know, you re only as good as your sources and you have a source that tells you that reince priebus will be gone, and then you have a good source that tells you that s not the case. clearly the sources that were pushing you away are not good
staying in long island right now, or if you re back here in washington, congressman king. were you informed that reince priebus was about to go? we actually flew up with scaramucci and reince priebus were sitting at the table all the way up. nobody said anything. i stayed on the plane coming back afterwards. anthony stayed in new york and we were on the plane with reince the whole time. when the flight was over, reince said, all of us said good-bye. no one knew anything was up. the president was announcing that kelly was going to be his new chief of staff. this was a total shock, a total surprise to you, congressman? yeah, and i tell you, i give reince priebus credit. he certainly kept his game face the whole time. he didn t show anything. he was very friendly and composed and calm all the way up and all the way back. so, do you support this decision by the president to
reince was at the table, anthony was sort of near the end on the other side, and there was nothing, you know, no hostility. there was no hugging and kissing, but everything seemed fine. if you didn t know something was going on, you wouldn t have sensed anything. i give reince credit. he didn t tip his hand at all, on the way up or back down. did they exchange any words, scaramucci and reince priebus? i didn t see i certainly didn t see any hostility. you spoke yesterday, congressman king. you and i spoke at this time yesterday. you knew what was going on, the interview that scaramucci gave the new yorker magazine. how awkward was it for you to be on the plane with both of them? it was a very interesting situation. i ll leave it at that. when you say very interesting, give me a little bit more. only because everyone knew the backdrop, but it was, you know, the 800 pound gorilla in the room that nobody was talking about. and we were talking about
president was not well served by reince priebus for whatever reason, even though you would argue that perhaps their politics might be closer to reince priebus. there was a sense that he wasn t as organized as he should be as chief of staff, et cetera, et cetera. these are their complaints, so you see this playing out. now, i think this started way before health care failed. clearly it might have been, you know, the final straw, but nobody blamed him. i was told for mccain s vote, there was nothing they could do to control that, but this has go back two years. hold on one second. but do you think the failure of the repeal and replace last night, that dramatic moment, that as a result of that reince priebus made one of the factors why he s gone? you could say it s the final straw, but that would be too way, way, way oversimplified. this has been going on for quite some time. so maybe this was a moment