west virginia. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> gloria, it is rather extraordinary. we've seen resignation now after resignation. sean spicer, the press secretary, resigned earlier in the week, his close friend and ally in the white house reince priebus now gone. >> right. i think in a way the reince priebus departure is not a surprise, although we did get pushback on it today, but we had heard -- >> when you say pushback, a lot of our viewers don't understand that. are these people simply out of the loop, they don't know what they're talking about, or are they lying? >> it could be a little bit of both, and it could also be that the person involved didn't know at that point. i mean, wolf, it's hard to know. all i know is, you know, you're only as good as your sources and you have a source that tells you that reince priebus will be gone, and then you have a good source that tells you that's not the case. >> clearly the sources that were pushing you away are not good