d d d on day the latest weapon of coupled with the biting skill of the american soldier stand ready on the alert all over the world to defend this country you or the American People are gangster aggression theres eldon big picture now to show you part of the big picture here is Sergeant Stuart weight. The brevard job serving the United States and uniform is no longer limited. To map. Out you please by the womens on the koran taking this booming and feminine means is one of the 1st Lessons Learned by the recruits. That were to marry that would require a perfect physical health system. Im sure youve all heard the saying theres a right way a wrong way and the army way. That this isnt something needed surgery and cutting it is a. Model but prior to. Contact turning writing 150 with the sun found a helicopter hanging on your every word it doesnt matter whether youre a man or a will believe that you are. The tree. Like health costs obsessing casts a lot of worry its touch weekly. There was a
In egypt they started doingit. They got an elected government and then the same people, many but not all, the same numbers of people who had gone to the streets the first time went back into the streets and asked the army to come in but this time they werent asking the army to take away an undemocratic government,they were asking the army to take away a government that had been elected so the army did and the accomplishment was the end of democracy for at least a generation. Thats an autonomous act of a collective people, i argue, against democracy. To say we tried it, it didnt work, we dont like it. And thats another thing, we think democracy is that people put themselves in power and the people want to stay in power but thats not always true. People can put themselves in power and take themselves out of powerand thats what happens , i know thats a controversial claim but im curious to hear your thoughts about the mismatch question. Why it was that people didnt talk about democracy in
Coming they have become well acquainted with each other and to appreciate his service and the accessibility especially during this pandemic and his retirement is well earned and as a member of the Armed Services committee i serve on the jurisdiction it is a rare occasion i complement thes court it is the epitome of cumbersome bureaucracy im not unique and my frustration criticism is bipartisan and tangible each of us expressed frustration doesnt do what its supposed to do or wide its not supposed to do Major General spellmans nomination throughout this process working closely on numerous issues on other western states regarding the snake creek embankment that will move forward to supply those irrigation needs and is overly complicated with the realities of Rural America and to promise to take a fresh look at the economic look at the project and then added to the legislation we unanimously advanced and then working with me to help solve it. And that has plagued western states and that d
Are not forgotten and no matter how alone they feel they are not alone. The congress is paying attention but we need to Pay Attention to the people on the front lines, assuring that the right things are done in the right way at the right time. I want to associate myself with the words of my colleague, senator blunt. I couldnt say this eloquently or presume upon it i completely agree and thank you. Mister president , the real purpose of my comment is to demonstrate my support for Major General Scott Spellman of the corps of engineers who was up for promotion to Lieutenant General and has been nominated to become the chief of engineers and commanding general to replace general seminary to who is retiring, we have become acquainted with each other. We havent always agreed but i do appreciate his service, his very hard work and his accessibility especially during this covid19 pandemic. His retirement is wellearned, we wish him well. A member of the Armed Services committee and Environment
Virtue event series, we are excited to continue to bring the work of how to authors and their writings to. Were are hosting events on our crowdcast page and our event setted youd will appear on 0 webs at harvard. Com and you can signed up for the email newsletter. This event will conclude with time for questions. Youve want want to ask the speaker something go to the ask a question button at the bottom of the screen. At the bottom thereof screen during the presentation youll see a link to purchase your copy of the arab winter through our partners are book shop and the links support Harvard Book Store so a huge thanks for generosity. Youll see a donation button. If you have a copy of the poock or woohootake contribute to he schneer a different way we appreciate. Your purchases and contributions make this new virtual author series possible and ensures the future of the independent book store. If you participated in large virtual gatherings, technical issues might come up. We apologize in