went to heaven after a long and wonderful life. he was known as a protecter of the fallen and a voice for those without a voice. we cried at my grandfather s passing and we wondered whether the hope of christmas would be darkened. we always associated christmas with the boundless joy he and my grandmother brought to children each year with their annual christmas party. my grandmother and uncle chris decided that the tradition should continue. they understood the birth of jesus and its message congress corresponding watt key to healing and renewal. the christmas party went on. the children laughed and the parents beamed as we raised money for charity. mad man slashed the face of evil newtown. 26 lives snuffed out including 20, six and seven-year-old children. i asked what could i do to help them i told the produce everies i need to go there they said peter, fleece go. my father arrived in newtown as the subject rose. the sky was streaked with red i asked myself whether the clouds