Though was founded 1200 years ago this is where great european history once took place but Environmental Protection also has a great reputation and is considered a green city sounds like an exciting day to me. Well also spend time in the surrounding area known as moonstone wealthy lots of lovely castles and visit a diving park where you can explore and on the water were. Also see the spectacular scenery of newfoundland sent in by a viewer. I thought the best place to start my tour was the promina its sort of moves to bicycle highway and circles the outskirts of the old town. Moonstone may be old but its population is young of the citys 300000 inhabitants 60000 are students nearly everyone here writes a bike cycling paths crisscrossed the city and the direction of signage is excellent. The principal i mocked in the heart of the old town is considered one of the most beautiful squares in germany the gated Housing Estate back to the days of the hands at a clique. A splendid example of lat
A huge bicycle rental parking and Service Garage right at the central train station. Its got room for 3300 bikes very convenient especially for commuters. You can have your cycle repair it serviced or even washed and its all here. And tourists like me cant even rent a bike to explore the city. Limits though was founded 1200 years ago this is where great european history once took place but Environmental Protection also has a great reputation and is considered a green city sounds like an exciting day to me. I will also spend time in the surrounding area known as many still and will see lots of lovely castles. And visit a diving park where you can explore and on the water world. Also see the spectacular scenery of newfoundland sent in by a viewer. I thought the best place to start my tour was the prominent its sort of moose just bicycle highway and circles the outskirts of the old town. Moonstone may be old but its population is young of the citys 300000 inhabitants 60000 are students ne
Theres a huge bicycle rental parking and Service Garage right at the central train station. Its got room for 3300 bikes very convenient especially for commuters. You can have your cycle repair it serviced or even washed its all here. And tourists like me cant even rent a bike to explore the city. Minster was founded 1200 years ago this is where great european history once took place but in the Environmental Protection also has a great reputation and is considered a green city sounds like an exciting day to me. And. Will also spend time in the surrounding area known as well see lots of lovely castles. And visit a diving park where you can explore and on the water were. Also see the spectacular scenery of newfoundland sent in by a viewer. I thought the best place to start my tour was the problem enough its sort of moves us bicycle highway and circles the outskirts of the old town. Moon system may be old but its population is young off the citys 300000 inhabitants 60000 are students nearl
Thats about 274,000 customers in the bay area in all 34 counties are parts of those Central California will be affected. The begin at midnight in many of these locations and will be completed in waves. Joining us on the phone now is Contra Costa County Fire Protection district spokesperson, steve hill and steve understand you have some on good news for people in Contra Costa County were talking about the starting at midnight, but that may not be the case there. Thats right and we just learned in the last hour and to our shut off have been delayed and some about noon tomorrow. And may have the effect about of course is that they occur in Daylight Hours as that the middle the night which is good of course this unprecedented as all of the bay area counties are trying to get prepared. How do you prepare for Something Like this when youre talking about not only. Staf in your county but also for the people who will be meeting who may need assistance. And weve been back good fortune of being
Just moments. The president weighing in on the democratic infighting. You might be surprised who is defending. Tropical storm barry could turn into a hurricane before it hits louisianas coast. Look at this takedown of a submarine attempting to smuggle 250 million worth of cocaine. Trish regan primetime begins right now. Im david asman in for you trish. Our top story, Vice President pence getting a firsthand look at the crisis on our southern border. Kos tes in alexandria ocasiocortez insists it of the a manufactured crisis. The cruelty is manufactured. This is a manufactured crisis because there is no need for us to do this. David joining me, head of the border council, brandon judd. What do you think . I think that hearing today was high drama. I thought it was good she was playing to those individuals who are uneducated on Border Security issues, and if you listened to her you would think everything is horrible. But your listeners want an honest conversation on this. She said we shou