Proactive urinary Tract Health Products Euchara is a lifesaver. Try it today at uqora. Com now Teaming Up on the Campaign Trail Republican Liz Cheney and Vice President Kamala Harris heading to a critical Swing State. Meantime, Donald Trump also hitting the trail as a new legal filing reveals explosive new details on his alleged plot to overturn the 2020 election, including what he was doing as rioters stormed the capitol. Plus, President Biden is visiting florida, seeing the devastation left behind by Hurricane Helene. That storm, now the deadliest to hit the mainland United States since hurricane katrina. As for storm survivors, they are still dealing with power outages, Water Shortages and impassable roads and will be for weeks. Plus, israel says that its Air Force hit Hezbollahs Intelligence Headquarters in beirut as Israels Ambassador to the un says that the response to iran will be strong, painful and also soon. Were following these major developing stories and many more, all com
Yes get. I knOw. AwesOme. Thank yOu. In all hOnesty, thIs success Is gettIng kInd Of bOrIng. Happy mOnday, everyOne. SO thIs frIdayIn, JOker TwO arrIves In Theaters and Its abOut a Jen PsakI tOld yOung dOug that he has, quOte, reshaped The perceptIOn Of masculInIty. Thats true. Back In The Old days, a guy lIke that mIght have talked The Nann A Quy KeepIng The baby. Ke Oh. ArcheOlOgIsts In chIna have a 3600 year Old mummy that was burIed wIth pIeces Of cheese. Ldm One tIcket tO chIna, please. SaId thIs man. Hes afraId YOull Laugh at thaT One. But nOt The very perceptIve hd. E. JOk Sean DIddy COmbs Is repOrtedly Off SuIcIde Watch. HOwever, The PrIsOn Guards are stIll On SuIcIde Watch tO keep FrOs RepO HOwm KIllIng The In case They hear hIm rappInwag new YOrk CIty Is fIghtIng The Rat POpulatIOn by Old FOlksI hOme. SO The, Tens Of ThOusands Of and murderers dead and vIOlated amerIcans. And yOu werent even tOld abOut It. Remember that The next tImead ad yOu have The urge tO trust The medIa,
[applause] greg: yes! yes! i know. Awesome, thank you. In all honesty this success is getting kind of boring. [laughter] happy monday, everyone. This friday joker number 2 arrives in theatres and it is about a mentally ill man who terrorizes society with his mentally unstable female sidekick. But most if you have already seen it. You saw that one coming. Had the crowds like here we go. Earlier today president biden delivered remarks on the devastation caused by hurricane helene. He comforted victims by reminding them how he wants once survived the flood in an arc. Reportedly tim walz is nervous about tomorrow night s presidential debate. He has not been this nervous scents that time he ran out of tampons. Doug emhoff was told that he has a quote, reshape the perception of masculinity. In those days a guy like that might have talked to the into keeping the baby. [laughter] archaeologists in china have discovered a 36yearold mommy buried with pieces of cheese. One ticket to china, please
Have you . You you wIll all be mIne tonIght. Happy monday, everyone. Okay. Democrats supporter IdentIfIed as ryan ruth was arrested for tryIng to assassInat aree Donals Trump on a Golf Course.whatever happenedsa. AskIng If you can playough through It seems IT Would be assassIn was able to gett jut just a few hundred yards away from trump. Apparently the shooter found the only Golf Course wIth a Slanted Sand Tra tp. Too soon. As You Know, thIs Is the second tIme trump has survIved multIple You K shots and accordr to an expert, hell just need for more lIke that. ImmedIately, pundIts trIed to blame It On trumps rhetorIec regardIng sprIngfIeld, ohIo, but the accused shooter wasntsh. We know thIs because he wasnt eatIng a Cate Accur W now youre loosenIng up. He needed a catch to get started. Of course, the medIa claIms the motIve cats of the Trump Hag Suspect are unknown. But thIs Is stranghee. Hares campaIgn has already asked hIm to moderate the next debate Is stra. Thankfully, the would b
[ ] greg: you will be a mind tonight. Happy monday, everyone. Democrat support are identified as ryan routh was arrested for trying to assassinate donald trump on a golf course. Whatever happened to asking if you can play through? it seems the wouldbe assassin was able to get just a few hundred yards away from trump. Apparently the shooter found the only golf course with a slanted sand trap. Too soon. As you know this is the second time trump has survived multiple shots, according to an expert he will just need four more. Immediately pundits tried to blame it on trump s rhetoric regarding springfield, ohio. But the accused shooter was not haitian, we know this because he was not eating cats. Now you were loosening up. You needed a cats joke to get started. Of course the media claims the motives of the trump painting suspect are unknown. But this is strange, they have already asked him to moderate the next debate. Thankfully thankfully, the wouldbe assassin it is now in custody and the