ukraine, what is the significance of that? and does it look from what we are seeing as though that is actually what they re doing or it not tally? actually what they re doing or it not tall ? , , . , not tally? this is an interesting one actually. not tally? this is an interesting one actually, one not tally? this is an interesting one actually, one to not tally? this is an interesting one actually, one to watch. - not tally? this is an interesting one actually, one to watch. i i not tally? this is an interesting i one actually, one to watch. i think the most significant thing about it though is that it wasn t actually putin that made that announcement, it was the deputy chief of the general staff. and what that allows putin to do is just disavow himself from that statement if that is in fact not what he in turns. it would be important militarily because if i took on too many axes at the moment. they have oversupplied the overstretch their supply lines. donbas makes sense beca
well, republicans are trying to play nice. they are the ones that are playing nice with that kind of rhetoric and all that rhetoric does is to ensure that they get on tv while somebody writes an article that quotes them or something like that. laura: or, herman, they get a fancy perch had new york times and they become a house conservative. there s nothing conservative about these people, they long gave up their conservative credentials. by the way, john kasich, hewas e didn t even show up for the national convention. he was a governor of this state when it was in cleveland.didn to that. he s now mouthing off about how he was the first one to really doubt trump. watch. i i call him out more than anybody, and i have been doing it. i know you have. i didn t have like a changeoi used to support him and now i
tears, tears. and, i don t buy it. i don t buy it. so, i thought the president might have been going too far here. laura, we did some digging. tlaib does employ tears regularly. watch. i i watched as my mother had to go through dehumanizing check points. mr. chairman, it needs to be noted into record, ice agents even though they told us not to speak to them, too, remember that? the president juxtaposed the behavior you saw there with the behavior at one of the campaign events a few years ago. you should see the horrible things that tlaib has said about israel. i ve seen her at very vicious
espionage. the state department is looking into it. dens continue to rise between the united states and venezuela. the president nick lags ma dura said the white house is planning to overthrow him and he is banning some from entering the country including marco rubio who spoke about it on fox news, watch. i i love the people of venezuela. i want that country to have freedoms. i want them to have human right. and to be banned by a leader like like nicholas maolas maduro. just as loud and and even less confident. all right. impasse over the weekend. and there was a straw poll as there always is. we ll tell you what happened. watch this. the winner of the c-pac 2015
constantly on the news networks. i m glad that jim tapper is not sitting in front of the tv monitoring what is coming out of the media. good news. i don t know what he s doing 24 hours per day. i know. don t you feel more safe now? i have to say. listen. diane sawer not asking him a top secret but but asking what what every average american news watcher would be able to answer. i don t want to hear excuses on this. this is a national security matter. there was a bit of a deer in heat lampe look. more than a little bit. i think we have to, thank heavens that eric holder can now be cited for talking about home grown extremism to watch. i i think it s a step in the right direction. it s rare anyone would cite eric holder on terrorism. today he gets a gold star.