was offloading the secrets of a lifetime. didn t hold back yes, she killed larry. her husband of nearly seven years, she said. but it wasn t her idea. i said, i don t know what i m going to do. and she said, we have to kill him. and i said, i can t kill him. she said? who was this other woman who pushed elisa to commit murder? turned out detectives had already talked with her. remember sarah dutra, the young secretary elisa s friend who came back with her little dog who had been so helpful after elisa disappeared? now saying that killing larry was sarah s idea. i never would have done it on my own. elisa told the story this way. larry was a heavy drinker and drug user. he was abusive, she claimed and feared for her life. one day he divided in her young friend, sarah, and sarah said
elisa, without hesitation, and without even being asked, spilled the bean. there it was. no apology. no evasion. she simply confessed at killing her husband larry mcnabney. but this is a but with a capital b, that wasn t the whole story! not even close! coming up. did elisa have help? when dateline continues. when dateline continues. medi. the only fda-approved 3-in-1 copd treatment. trelegy. the power of 1-2-3. trelegy 1-2-3 trelegy. with trelegy and the power of 1 2 3, i m breathing better. trelegy works 3 ways to open airways,
kitchen. that s when he ran out of the house and found his neighbor who called 911. of course, the world journal printed all that though the police weren t too happy about it. and eric mullens? i remember taking it home and reading it and putting it down and thinking, no, it didn t say that. and picking it back up again. but remarkable as ralph s letter was, it still wasn t the whole story. a few weeks after the murder, he mustered up the courage and told the police while he was held captive, he had asked to go to the restroom and he was sexually assaulted in the bathroom. why didn t he say anything about that before? his explanation was, that he was embarrassed. it might be a little bit difficult to talk about, but the smallest details could be very important, so keep that in mind. ralph agreed to show the investigators exactly what happened, and where. he grabbed me with the other hand on my hip right here. and he proceeded to assault me.
it used to be possible to deny this but it s not anymore. the evidence is not overwhelming. how do we know? consider the inner cities. 30 years ago, conservatives look at detroit, newark, horrified at30 what they saw. conventional families had all but disappeared in poor neighborhoods. the majority of children were born out of wedlock, single mothers where the rule. crime, drug became universal. what caused this nightmare? liberals didn t want to acknowledge the question for they were benefiting from the disaster in form of reliable votes. conservatives had thean explanation for inner-city dysfunction and it made sense. big government. decades of badly designed created a culture of poverty to trap people in generational decline. there was truth in this. but it wasn t the whole story. how do we know? because virtually the same thing i has happened decades later to i an entirely different population. in many ways, rule america now d rural america now
families make market economies possible. you cannot separate the two. it used to be possible to deny this but it s not anymore. the evidence is not overwhelming. how do we know? consider the inner cities. 30 years ago, conservatives look at detroit, newark, horrified at what they saw. conventional families had all but disappeared in poor neighborhoods. the majority of children were born out of wedlock, single mothers where the rule. crime, drug became universal. what caused this nightmare? liberals didn t want to acknowledge the question for they were benefiting from the disaster in form of reliable votes. conservatives had the explanation for inner-city dysfunction and it made sense. big government. decades of badly designed social created a culture of poverty to trap people in generational decline. there was truth in this. but it wasn t the whole story. how do we know? because virtually the same thing has happened decades later to an entirely different population.