no, you north not misstating it dia documents in 2015 showing in 2012 our defense establishment was telling everyone else in the obama administration that weapons were flowing from benghazi into syria, that we were supporting the terrorists in syria also warning border syria and iraq armies pulling back in that gap they warned isis might emerge and establish a caliphate and have dire consequences for the region. everything was on the table and looked like started because of the collapse of the qaddafi regime. tucker: we precipitated. benghazi, our compound we knew arms were flowing out. we knew it counsel to the number of shells, sniper rifles and such going out. so, we had enough information to know that level of detail. you can bet we had enough information to stop it.
anymore. the evidence is now overwhelming. how do we know?? consider the inner cities, 30 years ago conservatives looked at detroit and new york and many other places and horrified by what they saw conventional families had all about disappeared in poor neighborhoods. majority of children born out of wedlock. single mothers were the rule. crime and drugs and disorder became universal. what caused this nightmare? liberals didn t even want to acknowledge the question. they were benefiting from the disaster in the form ofue reliable votes conservativesth though had an explanation for inner city dysfunction and it made sense. big government. decades of badly designed social programs had driven fathers from the home and created what conservatives called a culture of poverty to trap people inn generational decline. well, there was truth in this. but it wasn t the whole story. how do we know? well, because virtually the same thing has happened decades later to annual entirely different popula
economies possible. you can t separate the two. it used to be possible to deny this but it s not anymore. the secretary of defense now overwhelming. how do we know? consider the inner cities, 30 years ago conservatives looked at detroit and new york and many other places and horrified by what they saw conventional families had all about disappeared in poor neighborhoods. majority of children born out of wedlock. single mothers were the rule. crime and drugs and disorder became universal. what caused this nightmare? liberals didn t even want to acknowledge the question. they were benefiting from the disaster in the form of reliable votes conservatives though had an explanation for inner city dysfunction and it made sense. big government. decades of badly designed social programs had driven fathers from the home and created what conservatives called a culture of poverty to trap people in generational decline. well, there was truth in this. but it wasn t the whole story. how do we know? w
what elisa told investigators necks, that she wasn t the master mind behind the murder. so who was? she said it was someone police had already met. here again is keith morrison. there is a purity to confession, a real cleansing of the soul. now after months on the lam, elisa mcnabney, aka laren sims, was offloading the secrets of a lifetime. didn t hold back yes, she killed larry. her husband of nearly seven years, she said. but it wasn t her idea. i said, i don t know what i m going to do. and she said, we have to kill him. and i said, i can t kill him. she said? who was this other woman who pushed elisa to commit murder? turned out detectives had already talked with her. remember sarah dutra, the young secretary elisa s friend who came back with her little dog who had been so helpful after larry and elisa disappeared? now saying that killing larry was sarah s idea. i never would have done it on
elisa, without hesitation and without even being asked, spilled the beans. and did i kill my husband? yes, i killed my husband. there it was, no apology, no evasion. she simply confessed to killing her husband, larry mcnabney. but, and this was a but with a capital b, that wasn t the whole story, not even close. coming up, the rest of the story. did elisa have help? and i freaked out. she was going to yeah, and i was freaking out. she? who was she? when poison continues. ur busi. you work too hard to work this hard! collecting receipts? is it the 80s? does anybody have a mixtape i can borrow?