media is against the country. the fake news media failing new york times, nbc news, they are not my enemy, the enemy of the american people. democrats freaked out about this, but in late 2015, hillary clinton was on twitter saying not to be exact same thing, but hillary, on the enemy she is proud to have made, drug companies, the iranians, okay, fine, they are the enemy. but republicans, she said, or enemies. yeah, that s a totally different debate. i remember talking about it, i didn t like it also. at one point she compared the g.o.p. with terrorists, we are having a conversation about the war on women. that wasn t smart. they are not comparable. not just democrats that are upset about that tweet. on both sides of the aisle, the constitution is critically important to the functioning of this country, that tweet shows that he has very little respect for the first amendment. thinking back to yesterday in that press conference, the line about the fact that the travel ban was ruled
a presidential campaign and rewarded with 672 million votes in the process. even when obama presented his birth certificate. trump wasn t shunned, he launched his presidential campaign off of that so i think you are going to continue to see people to opposing donald trump for those very reasons about questions regarding this election, the investigation into the russian well because of that. you are not going to accept the election results as the far left isn t accepting them, do you hurt your own cause, mary anne? yes or no? i just answered no because i saw donald trump parlayed it into being president of the united states. trump did something that wasn t smart. it s smart for the far left to do something dumb, too. that s your argument? and you are a kennedy school harvard grad? that s your arguement? that s it. you need to be intellectually consistent. as long as i understand there is something dumb works, i should too something dumb. not going to happen. i don t care if it
a presidential campaign and rewarded with 672 million votes in the process. even when obama presented his birth certificate. trump wasn t shunned, he launched his presidential campaign off of that so i think you are going to continue to see people to opposing donald trump for those very reasons about questions regarding this election, the investigation into the russian well because of that. you are not going to accept the election results as the far left isn t accepting them, do you hurt your own cause, mary anne? yes or no? i just answered no because i saw donald trump parlayed it into being president of the united states. trump did something that wasn t smart. it s smart for the far left to do something dumb, too. that s your argument? and you are a kennedy school harvard grad? that s your arguement? that s it. you need to be intellectually consistent. as long as i understand there is something dumb works, i should too something dumb. not going to happen.
fareed who is a bright guy and that clear solid a bright guy. if a violent response is the wrong response, what s the proper response for people who killed over 100 innocent people. madonna just gave you the proper response and fareed i m sure would agree that we must be nicer to each other. but, look, you keep saying that this guy, i don t know him, is a smart guy and intelligent guy. i have got a question. that wasn t smart. i grant that you. that s why he is in the dumbest thing said segment, goldberg. that was just dumb. just dumb. you have to respond. if you don t respond, you get killed just as those poor people in paris got killed and 3,000 people on 9/11 got killed. you have to respond. but what these two examples and the two more that we re going to do in a bit, they fit into a pattern. these aren t conservatives who are thinking this way.
sooner. i think they would have been extremely concerned if we declared, and we were serious about it, we would become petroleum independent because it would have major impact on their finances and i think that would trump any loyalty they have to people like osama bin laden. but they didn t have any loyalty to osama bin laden. the saudis kicked him out. he was their enemy. well, you may not think they had any loyalty to him, but i believe otherwise. sound like a good plan? not to me, carol. again, i go back to the three areas of leadership character, presence and intellect. mr. carson is a very smart guy. he wouldn t be a brain surgeon if he wasn t smart, but, you know, sometimes international engagement is a lot like brain surgery but it requires a whole different skill set than the medical professional. i think his comments about what might happen if this or that occur, purely, it s wrongly