who would you rather be, the subject of a tell-all or the writer of a tell-all and then i realized occupy the same space? because you re your own tell-a tell-all. kat: i really where all my secrets on my sleeve and then i m like why doesn t anyone like me? this was not shocking. more of the same. things were a little crazy in the white house. we knew that already. that would be like someone writing a tell-all about the kardashians that were like they wear makeup. [laughter] not that shocking. it be shocking if someone came out with a book that that i work for trump and i was bored. and he ate a lot of salad. that would shock me but the thing is no matter how many of these books come out it does not matter as no one really cares. the people who support the president will support him no matter what is going on because they like his policy proposals an agenda and that is all that matters to them. it s a waste. greg: it is.
i am cory booker and running for president in my house is on fi fire. my mouth is on fire. greg: and cory booker is so dum- he cannot spell moron if he spotted aoc. greg: up next, the super bowl is a game. we discussed.
administration you re appreciative of it because can you imagine how boring the tell-all about hillary clinton would be. the only interesting chapter the only interesting chapter would be when the computers got a virus because someone let anthony weiner use the wi-fi. it should event which color power suit should she wear that day. greg: that is quite a power su suit. it s a onesie. greg: christina, you re a business person or so i am told. this is a business. trump is basically revitalizing the tell-all. why not capitalize? you are seeing up political books climb 25% in last year. even if you just let him drive by or you re the gardener or the car, why not write a book? everybody has written one and i ve read one by bob woodward, there is nothing in it that was anything exciting or anything you could really write about. greg: i was going to ask you,
your estate if you like your plan, go [bleep] yourself. that is basically what she s saying. that is really it s a nice way of saying that. it is. it is not popular either. it s a real gift to republicans. survey last year said 71% of people with employer-sponsored coverage like their plans and survey from last week said that when they were informed that medicare for all would eliminate private insurance companies only 37% of people reported it. bret, i can do special reports. greg: that was her audition fo for -. tyrus: cap, you bail me out. usually it s a rule that only three numbers never get more than that and she a great. kat: bret, are you watching? greg brought up a good point. why should be in a country where it s either to side, black and white, exactly, shoulders
and it s something really cool like steve gutenberg is your real father. kat: this is my question? this is what you have selected for me? greg: yes, i you don t have tattoos. kat: no, i don t have tattoos but if i did when i order a pizza i like extra marinara sauce on the side and i get bummed out when they forget it. when i make the order on my app after i am done i call and say i want to make sure that you got the extra marinara sauce. takes extra time but it is worth it. you would think if you were going to get something permanently drawn onto your body would also think the extra time would be worth it just check. he s not checked twice now. i think she asked the japanese tutor so i don t know why people do this.