suspiciously looks like. i don t, i didn t mean to ask, just about tired no, and, like, here is th whole thing with it. there are certain things i what s going on. like i said, we ve got a suspicious death, and, right now, we don t have any other person and you re suspecting me? well, we have no othe person right now so, it was a long night i that little room the detective gave steve a blanket, and asked again about the trial, the proximity o where the trail is where the trail, is where you are writing. i wished i had chosen a different era. i wish you would have chose a different trail also because, and here s the thing, right now of course, if i had done it i probably wouldn t have chose to right near that the scene of what sounds like, maybe, a crime maybe so. but wherever he was, he picked up something that a detectiv simply couldn t ignore
email. listen to his reaction i m sorry well i almost hate to ask you this, but can you explai why you re emotional here today? because i spent a year no knowing what happened to carol and being accused of it, that s what s happening righ now. there was more than the email to go on, remember the dna the medical examiner found under carol s fingernail turned out it wasn t steve s or jim knapp s police call the dna, evidenc item 603 but to robertson it meant much more evidence item 603 became mr 603 it was a male s dna that was found mixed in with carol
that she was worried charlotte said she texted her mother earlier that weekend, and everything had been fine but now, she called her. voice mail. hey mom, it sure. i heard from grandmother tha something happened and she i kind of worried about you. so i m just calling to see i everything is okay and i m kind of getting worrie about you. so if you want to text me back or call me just let me know and let m know that you re okay. and everything is okay in the beginning, panic bobbled up in her brain. she and her boyfriend called around to local hospitals. but no one named carole kenned had been admitted anywhere so this is nighttime, any thought of going over there? yeah we talked about it steve was concerned about carroll, of course but as the national ex husband he had another concern to. steve express that he was not comfortable with it, because they had at finalize
their divorce. and she did not want to invade her privacy if she was on date, or something so we decided that charlotte and i would go out there and check on her see if anything was out of the ordinary it was around midnight when they drove to carole s place o bridle path. having promised to call stev the moment they got their. do you remember what it was like driving their it was very quiet i don t really think that we spoke very much at all on th way there. because just nerves little anxious? right do you remember pulling u to the house yes very vividly at that moment charlotte wa on the phone with her dad. seeing it at the top of the hill, you could see police, th sheriffs lights. all the cars the worst spots are goin through my mind at that point.
individual, but he is also ver narcissistic personality, pu those together and you can mak a difficult to solve a crime narcissistic? that s what it seemed like t the detective. also seemed to him like steve girlfriend renee gerard wa protecting him no more than she was telling then rene broke it off wit steve and he interviewed her one more time. and, remember the anonymou email that claimed carroll s murder was linked to an illega drug ring? oh, boy. she told me that mr democker hyde informed the during one of their in-perso visits at the jail to brin some pencil and paper, that wa a glass between them mr. democker had brought a document with him that h placed on the glass so tha they could view it according to rene, steve, himself, wrote that top huma and then asked his daughte charlotte, just 17 at the time