Have you ever had one . L ed it welcome to a Special Edition of gutfeld im tom shillue, filling in for greg, whos working off the last of his winter. Wait zumba class. So letst get to some headlines. We. Archeologists working at George Washingtons mount vernon homeis say theyve discovered two intact, sealed bottles containing cherries under a brick floor laid in the 1770s. Archeology sites are also proud to announce theyve finally destroyed George Washingtons floor. A nine year old nicknamed cigar boy is the winner of a european screeching contest. And now face off in thes off world finals against americas top scratcher. Some women are reportedly paying Five Hundred Dollars to have salman p to injections saying it will improve their im maveprovs. But it does unfortunately make them 40 more likely to eaten by bears because feel it will eliminate burnout. Millennials are pushing for a four day workweek, however, after all that pushing, they got burned ouhet and Quity The Trailer For Dead
To feature the history of cities across america. Here is a recent program. I represent a third of the geography of new york state, i wide swath of upstate new york. It is steeped in revolutionary war history. Saratoga springs, i represent half of saratoga county. When you grow up in a state new york, you truly grow up around our nations founding history. The battle of saratoga was one of the most important titles in the world because it turned the tide of the revolutionary war. For school kids growing up, the fact they can learn about saratoga battlefield as part of their curriculum and actually visit the battlefield with teachers or family, it is so tremendously powerful. This district is very independent. If you look at many of our local and federal elected officials, people vote for the individual they think will be the strongest advocate for their communities and region. I think i reflect the viewpoints of the district, and i think i also reflect my generation. If you were to ask m
To springfield missouri. Youre watching American History tv, all weekend every weekend on cspan3. I began researching the delaware townsite i believe in 1998. Townshiposs one of the records and some of the fieldnotes denoting the location of what became known as delaware town, or delaware village, i believe it was 400 are miles from the southwest part of the state, including springfield. And where delaware town, just across the green county line. And, we course of five documented several delaware fromge sites dating to 1820101830. There probably were more izedpean iced european that other groups because of their contact with european americans very early. From . Were they for the delaware valley. They came in contact very early with the english, dutch, french, even people. Signed morey treaties than any other group, and they were pushed over and over further and further west. Their stay in southwest missouri was very shortlived, and they were basically they basically wanted to leave be
Presidency,he thomas talks about the architectural trends that influenced the design of George Washingtons mount vernon estate. He is director of architecture at washingtons Virginia Home and has overseen the restoration of several prominent rooms, including the recently updated blue room. This program is part of a mount vernon symposium focusing on the places where washington lived and visited. It is 50 minutes. It is my pleasure to introduce my colleague, Thomas Reinhardt who joined Mount Vernons staff in 2013. In that capacity, he provides dynamic leadership for the ongoing preservation of the estates 36 originally constructed buildings. Since his arrival, i have had the privilege of working with tom to develop a partnership between preservation and curatorial staff. We have completed several mansion room products including andblue room in 2014 currently underway, the front parlor hopefully to open up next year. He has also led critically important projects, stabilized the and the 1
Stephen darrah, major retired from the u. S. Army and steve, start off by spelling your full name. Stephen and darrah. Provide a framework for our here this afternoon. Take us from your early through west t up point into the army and through career. My we will come back and look at more detail. I was borned a raised Providence Rhode island 1943. Providence from country day and went to the military academy in july of 1961. While at the military academy, i Academic Department on a daytoday basis. Squash, played a little tennis and was delighted to graduate. Was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the infantry. Schoolto Airborne Ranger as did most classmates. I was assigned to the first of 502nd battalion at fort campbell, kentucky. Spent in a year and a half there and decided i wanted to go to Flight School and i was on to go to the third bridget and decided i wanted to walk so i went to Flight School in 1967 and 1967. Hed in september of went to vietnam on my first tour first ber of