Give a glen lecture of her own someday. Before introducing our speakers im excited to let you know athat we have a special guest who was able to join us at the last moment. Her name is marian lee johnson. Like the women featured in the movies she was one the women in the Space Program Hidden Figures. She was in huntsville, working for boeing. She worked on the team that determined the path that parts of the saturn 5 would take if the rocket fell back to earth. They work was vital for safety planning. After boeing and a successful career in technology she now teaches the nextg generation of computer computer workers. Please welcojoin me in welcomins marion lee johnson. Like miss johnson, tonights speakers know what its like. Throughout these celebrations, ive been moved by the stories that have finally shined a spotlight on the Inspiring Women who helped make our exploration of space possible. Were lucky to have three of them here with us on the panel tonight. Joann harden morgan, poppy
Through our doors first and maybe she will come back here to give a lecture of her own someday. Before spro deuintroducing our im really excited to let you know we have a special guest who was able to join us at the last moment. Her name is marion lee johnson. She was one of the Space Programs Hidden Figures. Ms. Johnson was an engineer at Nasas Marshall Space Flight Center in huntsville, alabama, working for boeing, the sponsor for tonights event. She worked on the team that determined the path, the parts of the thsaturn 5, would take, the rocket fell back to earth. Their work was vital for safety planning. After boeing and successful career in Computer Technology she now teaches the next generation of computer workers. Please join me in recognizing and welcoming ms. Marion lee johnson. [ applause ] like ms. Johnson, tonights speakers certainly know what its like to blaze trails and defy expectations. Throughout this years 50th anniversary celebrations of the apollo 11 mission ive bee
Life by baseball rules. I. C. E. Agent every young person, special in South Carolina, that young people should live by our state motto. Our state motto, we have two, but the one i like best is the one that is on the seal. While a brief i hope. And so every commencement address i give, every graduation i give it can be from elementary school, it can be from high school, college, even law school. I was a speaker for tony, i think i saw tony here, as a speaker for his law school graduation, and i give them the same message. While i breathe, i hope. You should never give up on your dreams and your aspirations. So i said young people as my mother said to me stay in school study hard. And that she said and theres a part in this book that deals with that, when i thought i was going to get kicked out of high school for violating a rule she said to me she said son let me tell you something. You only have three months to graduate. Silent treatment is nothing. I believe i could live in hell for t
Last decade, billions of dollars were invested in upgrading refineries in texas louisiana and those were on the gulf coast to process heavy crude oil now we have a surplus of light crude. So its created problems. I think the concern of surplus of light crude, because they are typically the shale, those wells are very shortlived, but theyre much cheaper to drill in the army are once. So theres some issues with our be going to have to reinvest for those refiners another 2. 5 billion to handle the lighter crude . There are upgrading and new Construction Projects underway right now to allow the refiners to handle that. A lot of those are taking place in your district. As eia looked at the issues . In the past we typically choose whatever we refined in the country, but now we are producing so much more that its actually, were having those downstream jobs better exports. Back in houston were exporting just times in the last few years of low sulfur diesel. Because of the heavier crude we get
Ill point out as an aside below the entry for george in the inventory are then the other two slaves in this household and they are children. Celias children. One, a girl named jane, who is 3 years old. And im sorry, a girl named viny, who is 3yearold. And the second a girl, 1 1 2 years old, named jane. Both here valued at 150 each and i can tell you that when george is sold when we account of record of georges sale alongside is the sale of celias two daughters out of the newsom household as well. So new evidence allows us to add new layers and think with important nuance about this case. One more i think important question. Slavery and the law of rape. Lets go back to the trial. Part of what you know is that at the end of this trial, the presiding trial judge will instruct the jurors in this case. What does it mean to instruct the jurors. Here jurors are not legal professionals, they dont have any special knowledge of the law, be it of rape, be it of murder, be it of selfdefense. And p