An chair peskin good morning and welcome to the transportation meeting for december 5, 2017. Our clerk is alberto quintanilla. If you could please call the roll. roll call we have a quorum. Chair peskin after we hear from the cac and pass the Consent Agenda i would like to take item 13, the report for the vanness bus Rapid Transit out of order to accommodate the schedule of mr. Ris ken who is here with us this morning. If you could call the next item. Clerk information item number two. Chair peskin mr. Larson. Good morning. I am john larson representing district 7. I will present the cac report today. Item 67 on the again item 7up date on the San Francisco Management Study brought concerns about the use of the hov lanes. They questioned the issuians of the clean air stickers on the use of the lanes giving increasing popularity of the vehicles in the bay area. There was concern that private shuttle buses would reduce the lanes effectiveness. This concern was more voiced during the Publi
Approve 24 as anded, 25, 28 as amended, 29 and table items 27, and 23, has been moved and seconded. Madame clerk on the motion, please call the roll. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Fewer aye. Kim aye. Peskin aye. Ronen aye. Safai aye. Sheehy aye. Tang no. Yee aye. Breed aye. There are ten ayes with one no and tang in the dissent. President breed the motion passes. Lets go to items for adoption. We have a closed session to dispense of. President breed we do, but we have to take Public Comment. Just for clarity, were doing with the irving street, congratulations. Thank you. Now is the opportunity for the public president breed to members of the public, can you please take your conversations outside . Thank you very much. We still have business to conduct at the board of supervisors. Thank you all for your patience and being here. Ok. Madame clerk. Clerk its now the opportunity for the public to address the entire board of supervisors for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter juri
We have a quorum. Chair peskin after we hear from the cac and pass the Consent Agenda i would like to take item 13, the report for the vanness bus Rapid Transit out of order to accommodate the schedule of mr. Ris ken who is here with us this morning. If you could call the next item. Clerk information item number two. Chair peskin mr. Larson. Good morning. I am john larson representing district 7. I will present the cac report today. Item 67 on the again item 7up date on the San Francisco Management Study brought concerns about the use of the hov lanes. They questioned the issuians of the clean air stickers on the use of the lanes giving increasing popularity of the vehicles in the bay area. There was concern that private shuttle buses would reduce the lanes effectiveness. This concern was more voiced during the Public Comment when private commuters buses were held up for the transportation not open to everyone. Starting with number 8. The cac recommended approval for the prop operation
Commissioner yee. Why dont we go to roll call. Commissioner christensen, commissioner farrell, commissioner tang, commissioner yee, we have a quorum. Thank you. Item two please. Advisory committee report. Information item. Thank you. We have our cac chair. Good morning commissioners. Item number seven on of the 4 million for several allocations. The cac approved in the item 8 0. Most centers around clarifications and how it was run. One thing regarding the district 11 John Morrison questioned why the bus service was cut. That was something mta will be get back to us and address that today. Item number eight, the cac approved this item 70 with one abstention. The pilot Shuttle Program and its regarding in january when it ends, what will become of it, what will happen what are the plans and mta will be back with us with an update. Item number 10. Many people in the cities talking about trees along that. The driver required to look for alternative routes. That was a concern for some of us
Good morning everyone. Welcome to our tuesday o ctober 20, 2015 of the San Francisco county Transportation Authority. Im joined by commissioner mark felled. Julie christensen and commissioner yee. Why dont we go to roll call. Commissioner christensen, commissioner farrell, commissioner tang, commissioner yee, we have a quorum. Thank you. Item two please. Advisory committee report. Information item. Thank you. We have our cac chair. Good morning commissioners. Item number seven on of the 4 million for several allocations. The cac approved in the item 8 0. Most centers around clarifications and how it was run. One thing regarding the district 11 John Morrison questioned why the bus service was cut. That was something mta will be get back to us and address that today. Item number eight, the cac approved this item 70 with one abstention. The pilot Shuttle Program and its regarding in january when it ends, what will become of it, what will happen what are the plans and mta will be back with