1st, 2019. So a grandfathered mcd, as defined in section 190 of the planning code, that receives a permit to operate as an mcd before january 1st, 2019, so in the 2018 window shall be deemed a temporary cannabis sales use, and upon expiration of the temporary cannabis sales use authorization, the land use authorization for the parcel will revert to the original authorization to operate as an mcd unless the establishment has received a permit authorization to operate az a Retail Cannabis use. This would also need to result in an amendment to 205. 2 in the planning code. It would just add a subsection to that sub of the code stating that a temporary permit for cannabis use would last for one year and would expire on january 1st, 2019. The amendment would also provide for a process for these grandfathered mcds to obtain a Permanent Land use authorization to become Cannabis Retail uses, and that would be to section 190 of the planning code, subsection c, which would state in order for a gr
Can you tell us what section youre referring to. Supervisor kim so this is the section 1609, the section that supervisor safai had just asked a question about, so under 1609, this is b21c, it says describe how the applicant will work to encourage applicants who have received cannabis permits, and otherwise further the citys equity goals, which i also agree with. Am i misreading the first part . It seems to me that all applicants will have to talk about how theyre going to encourage and support equity applicants who have been awarded business permits. It should read equity applicants, not permit operators. Supervisor kim so to take out who have been awarded cannabis business permits . Supervisors, one opportunity to address that concern, maybe to say, instead of who have been awarded, to instead say, who are seeking . Jap ja supervisor kim i think the goal is who help those get into the business, but i wouldnt want to force people to help their competitors. Okay. So excuse me . Is that
They have 90 days to apply, and if they dont get it in a kbrae year, they revert back to mcds. President breed and i think it reverts back to i didnt want any amendment without a public process, so i know we need to do this so it relates to mcds and as it concerns land use, but the ability to do this after this legislation has passed is what im most concerned about. I would like a moment to review this particular legislation and make sure that i completely understand where youre coming from. I believe i do, but incident is we just received it, and we know in some regard that we have to do it because i know, i discussed it with our attorney, jon givner yesterday, and supervisor kim and i had a discussion about this in particular, and wanting to make sure that this is included, and so we know that its necessary. I think how its done is of question to me at this time. Supervisor kim. Supervisor kim okay. So i did ask a number of questions of mr. Givner yesterday, and i apologize. I think
Approve 24 as anded, 25, 28 as amended, 29 and table items 27, and 23, has been moved and seconded. Madame clerk on the motion, please call the roll. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Fewer aye. Kim aye. Peskin aye. Ronen aye. Safai aye. Sheehy aye. Tang no. Yee aye. Breed aye. There are ten ayes with one no and tang in the dissent. President breed the motion passes. Lets go to items for adoption. We have a closed session to dispense of. President breed we do, but we have to take Public Comment. Just for clarity, were doing with the irving street, congratulations. Thank you. Now is the opportunity for the public president breed to members of the public, can you please take your conversations outside . Thank you very much. We still have business to conduct at the board of supervisors. Thank you all for your patience and being here. Ok. Madame clerk. Clerk its now the opportunity for the public to address the entire board of supervisors for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter juri
Seeing no other supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, i want to say that i have met with the irving street residents for over an hour when we provided translation and interpretation. And i went out to the site. I went out to the site again before the vote. I think the reality is that if you had a medical Marijuana Dispensary, these are probably the best sponsors you could have ever. I think these are responsible Small Business owners. Think theyre diligent. I think they want to also have a safe place to have a dispensary, but also a Small Business that is viable, that is part of the community. When i walked around i saw empty store front. In my neighborhood, i said this during the noriega street debate, i have one dispensary in my neighborhood. And it hasnt caused any problems at all, in fact that block is very quiet. As i said, i hear more complaints from safeway. I just want to say when we look at marijuana is a drug and so is alcohol. When i see you have three bars