OGDEN Add another proposal to the string of apartment structures sprouting off the western side of Wall Avenue, among many other Ogden locations. A Kansa
JOPLIN, Mo. — Just after 12:15 a.m. early Tuesday morning, May 16, 2023 reports of a structure fire, flames visible, 1620 South Wall Ave alerted Joplin Emergency 911.
Horace City Council Meeting Minutes Summary The Horace City Council met on December 5, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Horace Fire Hall Event Center. Those present were Mayor Kory Peterson, Councilmember Stephanie Landstrom, Councilmember Naomi Burkland, and Councilmember Jeffrey Trudeau. Others present included: Brenton Holper, Jace Hellman, Jim Dahlman, and Lukas Croaker. Councilmember Sarah Veit was not present. Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Agenda Item #3: Approve Regular Agenda Motion: To Approve the Regular Agenda with the Exclusion of Item #5 1st Motion: Councilmember Trudeau 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #4: Approve Consent Agenda Motion: To Approve the Consent Agenda 1st Motion: Councilmember Landstrom 2nd Motion: Councilmember Trudeau Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #5: Approval of the City Council Meeting M
Thousands of communities across the country have passed laws that encourage landlords to evict or exclude tenants who have had some level of interaction with law enforcement. In California, the programs disproportionately affect Black and Latino residents.