Horace City Council Meeting Minutes Summary The Horace City Council met on December 5, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Horace Fire Hall Event Center. Those present were Mayor Kory Peterson, Councilmember Stephanie Landstrom, Councilmember Naomi Burkland, and Councilmember Jeffrey Trudeau. Others present included: Brenton Holper, Jace Hellman, Jim Dahlman, and Lukas Croaker. Councilmember Sarah Veit was not present. Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Agenda Item #3: Approve Regular Agenda Motion: To Approve the Regular Agenda with the Exclusion of Item #5 1st Motion: Councilmember Trudeau 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #4: Approve Consent Agenda Motion: To Approve the Consent Agenda 1st Motion: Councilmember Landstrom 2nd Motion: Councilmember Trudeau Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #5: Approval of the City Council Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2022 Agenda Item #6: Public Comment Agenda Item #7: Sheriff’s Update | Craig Keller and Jake Murray, Cass County Sheriff’s Department Agenda Item #8: Population Analysis | Ryan Graf, AE2S Agenda Item #9: Water, Sewer, Storm, and Street Improvement District No. 2022-11 (Cub Creek 2nd Addition) | Jim Dahlman, City Engineer Motion: To Approve the Engineering Services Agreement for the Water, Sewer, Storm, and Street Improvement District No. 2022-11 (Cub Creek 2nd Addition) Project 1st Motion: Councilmember Burkland 2nd Motion: Councilmember Landstrom Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #10: County Road 17 Roundabout and 64th Ave S | Jim Dahlman, City Engineer Motion: To Include Graveling Veterans Boulevard (57th Ave) from 64th Avenue to 76th Avenue in the County’s Bid and to Discuss with Fargo a Cost Share for this Improvement 1st Motion: Councilmember Trudeau 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #11: Sewer, Storm, and Street and Improvement District No. 2022-4 (Wall Ave – West) | Jim Dahlman, City Engineer Motion: To move forward with the design of the Wall Ave. West project with curb and gutter from the bridge over the Sheyenne River to the Sheyenne Diversion and to bid both asphalt and concrete options from Memory Land / Lost River Rd. to the Sheyenne Diversion 1st Motion: Councilmember Trudeau 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #12: Horace Downtown Neighborhood Plan | Jace Hellman, Community Development Director Motion: To Approve Staff to Seek Funds for the Horace Downtown Neighborhood Plan 1st Motion: Councilmember Trudeau 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #13: FY 2022 Budget Amendment | Brenton Holper, City Administrator Motion: To Approve the FY 2022 Budget Amendment As Proposed Without the Purchase of a Sweeper and Removal of $50,000 Set Aside for the Horace Downtown Neighborhood Plan 1st Motion: Councilmember Landstrom 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Motion: To Approve $50,000 to be Amended into the FY 2023 Budget for the Horace Downtown Neighborhood Plan 1st Motion: Councilmember Trudeau 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: Motion carried 2-1, with Landstrom voting No Agenda Item #14: Cass County Food Commission Appointment | Brenton Holper, City Administrator Motion: To Approve Community and Development Director Jace Hellman as Cass County Food Commission Representative 1st Motion: Councilmember Burkland 2nd Motion: Councilmember Landstrom Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Agenda Item #15: Living Local App | Brenton Holper, City Administrator Agenda Item #16: Engineering / Public Works Report | Jim Dahlman, City Engineer Agenda Item #17: City Administrator Report | Brenton Holper, City Administrator Agenda Item #18: Portfolio Reports a. Mayor Peterson b. Councilmember Burkland c. Councilmember Landstrom d. Councilmember Trudeau Agenda Item #19: Adjourn at 9:38 p.m. 1st Motion: Councilmember Landstrom 2nd Motion: Councilmember Burkland Action taken: All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. The next City Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 17, 2022, at 6:00 pm. (Dec. 28, 2022) 136983