from the taliban s perspective it is an opportunity that count be passed by and the problem is the biden they had no plan b. they were briefed that this could happen but they had no plan what do we do if the taliban actually attack us as we re leaving? and that s why we are where we are. harris: you and i both know those generals had plan b. it was something the military are amazing for but you have to listen to them. i want to get to this. general jack keane said a short time ago at the taliban taking over kabul. c17s are attempting to fly out of the kabul airport. it is a stark reminder of what defeat really looks like and the suffering that people are going to experience as a result of that defeat. when it really gets down to it this taliban victory we re seeing right before our eyes is something president biden truly owns. harris: wow. did you hear that, walid fare
they consider this a green light. it was a disaster. harris: i mentioned earlier. the president of the united states, his comp team announcing he will speak today at 3:45 today eastern. i talked to you about the single statement from president biden so far. in it he put the blame on president trump. he said this quote, when i came to office i inherited a deal from my predecessor. you say critics don t agree with it. james your quick take. biden has three big problems. they said americans don t care about afghanistan. that was their assessment. they lied to america. they humiliated america and americans are worried about terrorists coming back and getting them. three huge problems i don t think this administration anticipated. harris: gentlemen, thank you both. james and walid, appreciate your expertise and time. move to peter doocy live at the white house where just reported
american servicemen and women because we couldn t dee he define an endgame. that s not the issue. the pull-out is the issue. if president trump at one point had wanted to try to deal with the taliban. that didn t happen. he listened to generals. what happened with joe biden, the president, to think he could be the one to make them change? this is easy to explain. i don t think it s a military failure or an intel failure. walid alluded to this. biden himself made a calculation that the taliban would let us leave and that if things went to hell in a hand basket later the biden administration it wasn t our fault. we weren t there. what he doesn t understand in this part of the world honor is power. the taliban would never miss an opportunity to humiliate the united states going out the door. i m sure biden thought they would be idiots not to just let us leave.
yes at the right point he will absolutely address the american people. harris: the vice president of foreign policy at the heritage foundation, walid faris is a national security and foreign affairs analyst. walid and james great to have you on the program. james, i will lean on your military expertise. what is the situation for protecting americans and the afghans on the tarmac now? it is nightmare scenario. two options here. one is the taliban can hold everybody hostage. all 6,000, everybody at the airport. they can starve them out and they don t have to attack the americans to do that. all they have to do is make sure planes can t safely leave. that s the worst case scenario. the best case scenario is the taliban sits there with arms folded and watch a kay otic and disastrous withdrawal and turn
we go our walid faris. i ve heard you all morning long as this unfolded. my first question, how sur pridesed would you be if abd abdelhamid abaaoud the alleged mastermind of the attack was half a mile away from the scene, from the stadium and not in syria as per previous thought? that would be an answer to what isis or the jihadist network wants to do. he had the opportunity to go to syria, to cross the border, to go to brussels, to germany, to italy, the fame, but he chose to not just stay in paris but an area very close. the more important thing he had with him a woman who by now we know was kiltd who was a sue