Aadujeevitham (The Goat Life) is a Malayalam survival drama. Directed by Blessy and starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film takes you on a captivating adventure inspired by real events. Witness the triumphs and struggles of Najeeb, a Malayali immigrant laborer, as he navigates the challenges of slavery in Saudi Arabia. With stunning cinematography and a powerful musical score by A. R. Rahman.
Discover the thrilling journey of Aadujeevitham (The Goat Life), a gripping Malayalam survival drama penned, directed, and co-produced by Blessy. Experience the cinematic adaptation of Benyamins acclaimed novel, brought to life by Prithviraj Sukumarans portrayal of Najeeb, an immigrant labourer in Saudi Arabia.
Aadujeevitham Box Office Collection: Experience the gripping survival drama as Prithviraj Sukumaran brings Najeebs story to life. Witness the films astounding success, surpassing 93 crores worldwide in just eight days, setting new records in Malayalam cinema.
Aadujeevitham: A gripping Malayalam survival drama film, directed by Blessy and featuring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Amala Paul, and Jimmy Jean-Louis. Adapted from Benyamins acclaimed novel, it promises an immersive cinematic experience. Released on March 28, 2024, this international co-production showcases the struggles of Najeeb, portrayed by Prithviraj. Follow its box office journey.