Discover the impressive Aadujeevitham Box Office Collection! Directed by Blessy, this Malayalam survival drama, adapted from Benyamins acclaimed novel, captivates audiences with its enthralling narrative and stellar performances. Led by Prithviraj Sukumaran, the films journey, spanning diverse locations from the Wadi Rum desert to Kerala, is a testament to resilience and dedication.
Aadujeevitham is a Malayalam survival drama film based on Benyamins novel. Directed by Blessy and starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, it follows Najeebs journey as an enslaved worker in Saudi Arabia.
Discover the latest updates on the box office collection of Aadujeevitham, a captivating Malayalam survival drama directed by Blessy. Starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film promises an enthralling cinematic experience as it adapts the acclaimed novel by Benyamin. Follow the films remarkable journey, its impressive earnings in Kerala, ROI, and overseas markets.
Aadujeevitham box office collection: This Malayalam survival drama, directed by Blessy, promises a gripping cinematic experience. Starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film is an adaptation of the acclaimed novel Aadujeevitham by Benyamin. With international co-production, it hit theaters on March 28, 2024, and has garnered significant success, particularly in the Gulf region.
Aadujeevitham (The Goat Life) is a Malayalam survival drama. Directed by Blessy and starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film takes you on a captivating adventure inspired by real events. Witness the triumphs and struggles of Najeeb, a Malayali immigrant laborer, as he navigates the challenges of slavery in Saudi Arabia. With stunning cinematography and a powerful musical score by A. R. Rahman.