Tapi district recorded the highest provisional voting turnout of 72.32 per cent. With 68.09 per cent turnout, Narmada district stood second. Bhavnagar in Saurashtra region recorded the lowest turnout of 51.34 per cent as of 5 pm.
AHMEDABAD, Dec 1: An average 59.24 per cent voter turn-out was recorded as of 5 pm on Thursday across 89 Assembly seats in the first phase of Gujarat elections, election officials said. While voting began at 8 in the morning and ended at 5 pm, the final turn-out would be higher as the process continued at the polling stations where voters had arrived before 5 pm and were standing in queues. The fate of 788 candidates will be decided in […]
Gujarat elections: Congress candidate Punabhai Gamit asserted that Christians are not likely to vote for the BJP under any circumstances, and the community from the region stands firmly with him and his party.