The Local Store is a proprietor of all things local and Midwestern: art of all types, apparel and jewelry, home goods, gardening wares, glassware, kids stuff, pet stuff, and of course, snacks and beverages. From January-March of this year, the following were the top five .
Until recently, if you wanted to look through 22 years worth of back issues of Volume One, probably the easiest way was to walk down the stairs to the basement of the Volume One World Headquarters, unlock a door labeled “Staff Only,” duck under some HVAC equipment, and explore shelf after shelf.
I’ll admit it: Sometimes it’s a little hard for me to get into the holiday spirit. When the carved pumpkins are still on the porches and my children’s conversations are filled with the details of Halloween costumes and the most efficient trick-or-treating routes through .
Extreme gingerbread house-making found me in 2020 alone during the holidays because of social distancing measures. The Chippewa Valley Museum was hosting a Gingerbread House Contest, and I was seeking a creative outlet. Armed with flour, sugar, and a .
Not a bird, not a plane, but an electric scooter! Electric Bike Rental in downtown Eau Claire is now offering e-scooters alongside its e-bikes for the public to rent, and according to its website, “It’s possible you’ve never had this much fun” .