Vivo: Additional Sessions Judge Devender Kumar Jangala had on October 10 sent the accused to ED’s custody for three days. The four accused — Hari Om Rai, the MD of Lava International, Chinese national Guangwen alias Andrew Kuang, and chartered accountants Nitin Garg, and Rajan Malik were produced in the court on Friday upon expiry of custody.
The ED has claimed that to give effect to their “evil designs” at least “30 Chinese individuals entered India using business visa with the intent to work as employees in Vivo companies. Though they worked for Vivo companies in India, they never disclosed Vivo companies as their employer in their visa applications”.
Vivo T2x comes with a 6.58-inch FHD+ IPS LCD display, powered by the latest MediaTek Dimensity 1300 chipset and supports 4G connectivity with 6000 mAh battery capacity