Compelled by the lack of typography available from queer, trans and non-binary artists and designers, founder Be Oakley wants to embed radical histories within design.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday (May 3) confirmed that a draft ruling indicating the court may overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide was authentic, as Democrats scrambled to respond to the news and President Joe Biden vowed to try to protect abortion rights.
A DECADE AGO, while living in Houston, Texas, I volunteered as a patient escort at the city’s Planned Parenthood downtown office. Then located on a busy street, the reproductive-care clinic’s public location attracted a diverse cross-section of the anti-choice movement. The scenes outside the office ranged from the bizarre to the ghoulish. In a modern interpretation of the Battle of Jericho, one man circled the building seven times every afternoon and blew on a shofar, in hopes that the clinic would crumble to the ground. Busloads of students from religious high schools in Houston’s conservative