Report. As you know our mayor ed lee passed away last Tuesday Morning at San Francisco General Hospital and were really fortunate our hospital was a real important part of this process for the mayor and i also want you to know that we all focused on the work we have to do but also about his passing in grieving as you know, we have a new acting mayor and so we are continuing to do work we need to do and meeting with acting mayor yesterday and were moving ahead on all of the initiatives that we started. I also just want you to know that i think the process of how the new mayor will be elected is still in play and all of you will know as well in terms of that but today we have an acting mayor and we are working with herren sureing the Health Department continues to do its work. We are happy to announce today that the appointment of dr. Bob as our Deputy Director of health and she actually will be replacing me at 3 00 because i have a Department Head meeting across the street so shell be s
Supervisor campos absent supervisor cohen supervisor kim supervisor mar absent we have quorum. Very good let go on to item 2. Item 2 approval of the minutes of the june 9th meeting an action item. Colleagues, any changes at all 0 our minutes no comments open up for Public Comment members of the public on our minutes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Peoples politics not system politics a system politics it could be really immediately replied by a machine the Political Science of humanity inside and out meaning and loyalty and matt haney of matters. Thank you. Okay seeing Public Comment is end well close Public Comment and colleagues a motion to approve the minutes. Second. Sect by supervisor kim with a roll call vote. On item 2. Commissioner avalos supervisor campos supervisor cohen supervisor kim supervisor mar absent that motion passes. Very good item number 3 please. Item 3 federal and state action item. Good morning mark sends his regrets a busy time in sacramento and many things to do so hopefully,
Investment Infrastructure Commission to the redevelopment agree for monday, august 4, 2015 welcome madam secretary call the first item the first order of business is item one roll call. Commissioners,. Please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar commissioner singh is absent commissioner bustos madam chair rosales commissioner singh absent and all the other members are present the next order of business is item 2 announcements a the next regularly scheduled meeting of august 18th will be held at one p. M. At city hall in room 416 b announcements of the prohibitions of the sound providing phones please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing electronic devices. C announcement of time allocate for please be advised a members of the public has up to 3 minutes unless the commission adapts a shorter period on any item is it so strongly recomm
We have three in the general Public Comment any general Public Comment at this time . Hearing none we will move the agenda. We have the employee of the month, and recognize lisa leui. From the office of adult protective services. Come forth. [applause] so sorry, so lisa you are being honored today from your colleagues in adult protective services. But the truth is that i had the privilege of working with lisa on the fifth floor sharing space with adriana, and making sure that the folks that came through the door were welcomed. But in addition to this this is what i remember lisa would come to me and she would say is there anything i can do for you. Are you sure there isnt something i can do for you. You know i actually like the fax machine because i can make it work. And i would head to the fax and no i can do that for you. It was extended yourself to me who is busy but not as busy as some other people in this room. To make sure that i had the tools and the things that i needed to make
So the minors are before us for approval a motion for approval is in order. So moved is there a second. Second. Are there corrections to the minutes if not were prepared for the all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Minutes have been passed unanimously item 3 the directors report. Good afternoon, commissioners mayor ed lee signed the citys balanced budget for fiscal year 20152016 and 20162017. In his comments he said that your creating jobs and growing a thriving economy while keeping the city save and compassionate the city and county of San Francisco the major employer for the next two fiscal years includes additional employees to staff the new San Francisco General Hospital implements our Electronic Health care records system and the department of Public Health division as well as implementing the Affordable Health care act the city budget also vests to support the most vulnerable san franciscans and it includes resources dedicated to help San Francisco General Hospital adding 5 hundred