In the current storyline of 'Shiv Shakti- Tap Tyag Tandav', after the sacred marriage between Lord Shiv and Goddess Sati, Prajapati Daksha decides to host 'Prayag Yagya', and invites Lord Shiv to attend it.The Yagya is a grand affair in the .
New Delhi, July 28 (IANS) In the current storyline of 'Shiv Shakti- Tap Tyag Tandav', after the sacred marriage between Lord Shiv and Goddess Sati, Prajapati
In the current storyline of 'Shiv Shakti- Tap Tyag Tandav', after the sacred marriage between Lord Shiv and Goddess Sati, Prajapati Daksha decides to host 'Prayag Yagya', and invites Lord Shiv to attend it.
Actors Gajendra Chauhan and Mukesh Tiwari are all set to be seen in the upcoming movie titled Six Nine Five coming from Shadani Films |