Young actor Sree Vishnu always maintains a low profile on social media. He is an introvert and wishes to talk very less be it to family members or the public. Currently, he is leaving no stone unturned to promote his upcoming film 'Raja Raja Chora'. The film's trailer is trending on all social media platforms. The film is all set to arrive in theatres on August 18, 2021. Yes,
Mar 10, 2021, 14:50 IST
Director Annish Krishna s Gaali Sampath features Vishnu Sree and Lovely Singh in lead roles. The film unit is currently bisy with movie promotions with an intention to reach a wider audience.
As part of the movie promotions, Gaali Sampath s lead actor
Sree Vishnu interacted with the media at Hyderabad. Here s what he had to say about Gaali Sampath, Sree Vishnu stated that Director Anil Ravipudi called me and to tell me there s one story for you. Will you be able to do? I said Yes and went to meet him
Anil Ravipudi and Anish Krishna have written the story for me. I liked my character in the film. After hearing the narration, I agreed to be a part of the film. He further added that Lovely Singh has a minimum screen space and there are only three songs in the film. I and Rajendra Prasad will travel in the whole film.