BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra on Monday attacked Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) over a purported sting video, claiming that the party was selling tickets for the upcoming Delhi civic elections.
AAP MLA from Model Town, Akhilesh Pati Tripathi on Thursday said allegations levelled against him in connection with cash for ticket row are vague.After reaching the office of ACB , Delhi, which has summoned him as accused in the matter, the .
Those arrested have been identified as Om Singh said to be the brother-in-law of AAP MLA Tripathi , and his associates Shiv Shankar Pandey alias Vishal Pandey, PA of Tripathi, and Prince Raghuvanshi.
The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested three persons, including a relative of AAP MLA Akhilesh Pati Tripathi, on charges of allegedly selling Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) ticket for Kamla Nagar Ward (No 69) for Rs 90 lakh.Those .
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Wednesday said tickets are not sold in the AAP, and demanded an unbaised inquiry into the arrest of three party workers for allegedly selling MCD ticket.Earlier in the morning, the Anti-Corruption .