Citizens have applauded the decision to repeal the harsh and onerous Digital Security Act, 2018. However, the implementation of the CSA could negatively affect social justice, human dignity, fundamental rights, and human rights.
In the new CSA, the clauses under Sections 25 and 29 have been untouched. Simply allowing bail does not address the issue of why and how these two sections are being misused. Instead, by keeping the defamation clauses as a criminal offence subject to a fine of Tk 25 lakh, the process of suppression has been streamlined.
The draft Cyber Security Act (CSA), 2023, which is supposed to replace the controversial Digital Security Act (DSA), 2018, has been termed by many as "old wine in a new bottle."
Digital Security Act: Law Minister Anisul Huq informed parliament that, until January 2023, a total of 7,001 cases had been filed under the Digital Security Act (DSA) in Bangladesh.
The group and profession that have suffered many jail terms, innumerable arrests and most harassment because of the Digital Security Act (DSA) have not been involved in the process of amending the law. No representatives of journalist unions or editors’ bodies have so far been invited. Why this shutting out of journalists and editors?