/PRNewswire/ FlexIt, the company known for its personalized fitness offerings that recently launched its premier offering, FlexItPRO™, announces its second.
WellWorks Announces Soft Reopening May 14, 2021
“An active membership and appointment will be required to be able to enter the facility,” explained Jenn Bennett, Executive Director of Wellbeing. Bennett stressed that a variety of additional safety measures are being taken to comply with statewide recommendations and University requirements.
“The health and safety of our community has always been our top priority and has become even more important during a pandemic,” said Bennett. “That being said, we’ve always been a fun place to be able to focus on wellbeing and we’re excited to be that again for our members.”
The staff at WellWorks has researched local and national reopening trends in and recommendations for the fitness industry and consulted with University and statewide officials when preparing their reopening plans.