good evening everyone. welcome to cnn tonight. we begin with two alarming crime stories. a pennsylvania manner arrested after trying to bring explosives on a plane to florida. police say it is not terrorism, so what was it. then the story of a heinous murder in st. louis caught on cell phone. the next image is graphic it appears to be the moment the suspect shot a homeless man and the hand and brought daylight in a town in st. louis. tonight we will give you the real stats on crime and how it is being used as a potent political issue. and some of the lawmakers trying to make dressing in drag illegal are the same lawmakers who themselves have dressed in women s clothing. we have the photos to prove it. how much would it takes for you to move back to your home state. how about $25,000, we will explain. we have a lot to talk about so let s bring in my panel. we have my ex john. i won t say x of what. john miller our crime and justice savant. great to have all of you guys h
why argue only offering it to previous residence why not open it up to anybody living in the united states to move back to west virginia? there would be a lot of room for mischief if we said just come and we will give you $25,000, tax credit. maybe we will call this a pilot project and see how it goes. if it succeeds, we will open it up. are you afraid that people from virginia or, north carolina move, they would come in and collect the $25,000. i assume you have guardrails to keep that from happening. what we do have some guardrails. this is, so many of our people have left. and they come here to vacation. they come here to see nature s bounty. we just like to have them come back and live here. yes, we could open it up to more
for rural america, and west virginia alexandria ocasio-cortez couldn t win one county in the state of west virginia. they made the critical mistake of underestimating somebody because of where they are from. and people from the south have historically used that to their advantage. please assume that you can get one over on me easily, because i m from virginia or west virginia. and then you sit back and do you watch, as i said before, there pomposity when they realize they ve lost. these temper tantrums that they had on national tv, i m talking about aoc enter click, it has the potential to make you look strong. they look weak. they are a party controlled by petulant children. i want it now! they are mad, there blinded by ideology. this is not the work of pragmatic people.
let s get started. congress finally passed i say welcome to government folks. people hadn t done really anything of substantial. for example, republican glen youngkin s development on terry mcauliffe was based on something that was completely made up. it not being taught in schools in virginia or, quite frankly, anywhere else. but it certainly worked for youngkins and republicans are sure to follow his playbook next fall. his free embrace of a made-up issue is becoming a running
came out from fox part of our company here, they ve been defending smollett at every turn. his job wasn t in danger on the show. they stand by his statements. over the weekend they held back and had no comment. listen, if this is not true this would be incredibly disappointing considering that we ve been talking about race and whether it s justin fairfax or what s going on in virginia or, you know, we all believe there should be a due process in this country. this would be incredibly disappointing. i don t have an issue that influencers and thought leaders had a statement backing jussie smollett. bill: you wonder what the motivation is if thing falls apart why do it? it will become a political hot potato because it s disappointing. this is an issue we as a country need to move forward on.