by ed gillespie, is that a ding on you? as i say, people are happy and having ralph, he were lyn. i predict we ll sweep and pick up a bunch of house of delegates seats. 50% of our candidates are women this year and folks are happy. they re safe in virginia. a record amount of economic development. i just let my numbers speak for themselves. you made a tough attack on ed gillesp gillespie not alone. some republicans they don t like the tone of the campaign he s making. you could argue, some argued using more trump tactics. sure. what if it works? i don t think it will work. i hear you. what happens if it does? i d be very shocked if it worked. ed s whole campaign, he s taken the campaign into the gutter. the most racist we ve ever seen in virginia history. that s no who we are at virginians. people are happy today and he ll be repudiated tuesday. tuesday night, gutter politics, trump politics he can t talk about the economy.
61% of our exports, kasie, go to those states, and exactly when i said would happen has happened. china has now gone in and done oneoff deals with every one of these countries. guess who is left out? the united states of america. i am not scared of trade deals. you give me a trade deal your base is kind of scared of them. i m the guy who is actually the one out there negotiating these deals, and i m the one selling our products around the globe. i ve been on 33 trade missions as governor. i m the one out there negotiating, selling. we ve done $18.5 billion of investment since i ve been governor. a record of $6 billion more than any governor in virginia history. i know this business. you give me a fair trade deal, i am going to beat anybody. let me go for my state around the globe. i am going to i m going to beat anybody? it sounds like you re talking about 2020. i m going to beat anybody on trade. this is what drives me wild. i just announced last month, kasie, $91 billion.
i actually supported tpp. 61% of our exports, kasie, go to those states, and exactly when i said would happen has happened. china has now gone in and done one-off deals with every one of these countries. guess who is left out? the united states of america. i am not scared of trade deals. you give me a trade deal your base is kind of scared of them. i m the guy who is actually the one out there negotiating these deals, and i m the one selling our products around the globe. i ve been on 33 trade missions as governor. i m the one out there negotiating, selling. we ve done $18.5 billion of investment since i ve been governor. a record of $6 billion more than any governor in virginia history. i know this business. you give me a fair trade deal, i am going to beat anybody. let me go for my state around the globe. i am going to i m going to beat anybody? it sounds like you re talking about 2020. i m going to beat anybody on trade. this is what drives me wild. i just announced last
of hillary clinton s shows me they re scared to death of hillary clinton. so you know that s fine. why? because hillary s laying out a plan to get the economy moving just as we have done here in virginia. when i became governor, i inherited a large deficit. i just announced the largest surplus in virginia history. hillary wants to do the same thing for the country and when they re not talking about you means they re not worried about you. attacking you every day they re scared to death of hillary clinton. that s fine. she ll run her campaign and doing great. we have a long way to go but she s going to take this country and turbo charge this economy and veterans issues something that i ve talked to her long and hard about. veterans issues, employment issues, that s what her campaign s going to be about and what she is going to do as president. terry mcauliffe, always good the see you, governor. thank you. happy birthday, andrea. recently. thank you very much for the reminder. th
our economy is booming. when i became governor, i inherited a large deficit. we just turned that into the largest surplus in virginia history. our economy today, 4.3% unemployment. lowest in the southeast of the united states of america. we are creating jobs. i ve been a voice day in and day out for common sense gun restrictions. i ran on this issue and brought it up last year. what happens in the legislature, 7:00 in the morning, no recorded vote, it dies in committee. i need one chamber to work with me to pass it and get leverage and get common sense things done. i m trying to be a problem solver to move virginia forward. let me ask you about your state and its power in our country. it is a booming state. you probably watched that great documentary done on mitt romney after he lost. he looked good in that documentary. he did. he is watching election night and i m even in virginia, i lost ohio.