but matthew, they re the 10 commandments. they re not the six commandments. i know, even when that was suggested to the aclu, they said i m not sure even about the last six because if you say thou shalt not, everybody knows they come from the 10 commandments. probably a good idea to kill. that s so ridiculous. on its face, what is this judge trying to say? he wants to take out the religious aspect of the 10 commandments, correct? and your argument is that because there are other documents in this display like the declaration of independence, liis more of a historical displ than a religious one, isn t that the argument? that s exactly right. and in fact when you go through history, the magna carte, the bill of rights, jefferson s statute of religious freedom and the 10 commandments they were very influential in the development of law and government. this is a display about history, about virginia history, about american history, about law and
the giles county school board. he s fighting to keep it alive. good morning. what is this about? why should the federal government be involved with this display at a school which is alleged is about american history? that s a good question. the 10 commandments is currently one of 29 framed documents on law and government. and in fact, the standards of learning in virginia and the virginia curriculum talk about the history of law, democracy and government and they include the 10 commandments so this is a display of actually what s part of the curriculum and what exists with the virginia standards of learning so when we were in court with the aclu filings, too, they want to eliminate the 10 commandments. the judge has now sent this to memberedation mediation to see if we can come up with eliminating one of the tablets of the 10 commandments and that s what we re having to deal with. of course, there s no room yet and no resolution.
decide not to based on that information? or is it just to torture people? that clearly i mean, their intent is to prevent women from exercising their constitutional rights in accessing an abortion. i think they are what do you mean prevent them? you mean discourage them. not prevent them. discourage them. i would say prevent. i mean these are pretty egregious bills, chris. how do they prevent? well, nobody can even point to an example in virginia history where we have actually gotten involved in the practice of medicine and dictated to doctors how they should practice medicine. so, you know, let me just go on. when you mandate anything, and it s not medically necessary, it s really insurance companies don t have to cover it. i get your point. poor women would be referred
rights in accessing an abortion. i think they are what do you mean prevent them? you mean discourage them. not prevent them. discourage them. i would say prevent. i mean these are pretty egregious bills, chris. how do they prevent? well, nobody can even point to an example in virginia history where we have actually gotten involved in the practice of medicine and dictated to doctors how they should practice medicine. so, you know, let me just go on. when you mandate anything, and it s not medically necessary, it s really insurance companies don t have to cover it. i get your point. poor women would be referred to clinics where there are long lines. and in virginia, they are called pregnancy crisis centers. they are really abortion prevention clinics.
for an abortion, will they decide not to on that information? or is it just to torture people? that clearly i mean, their intent is to prevent women from exercising their constitutional rights in accessing an abortion. i think they are what do you mean preevent them? discourage them. not prevent them. i would say prevent. i mean these are pretty egregious bills chris. nobody can even point to an example in virginia history where we have actually gotten involved in the practice of medicine and dictated to doctors how they should practice medicine. so, you know, let me just go on. when you mandate anything, and it s not medically necessary, it s really insurance companies don t have to cover it. poor women would be referred to clinics where there are long lines.