Medical students, who had returned from war-torn Ukraine around two months ago, are staring at a bleak future as most of them are sitting idle at present and have no idea when they will be able to pursue the course further.
There are 54 South African students, all studying medicine or dentistry, who have appealed to the DHET, HPCSA and the SA Council of Medical Deans to be integrated into SA universities so they may complete their degrees with as little disruption as possible. They are relatively evenly spread across all years of study, with some actually due to sit their final exams this June. Friday marks 100 days since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, a grim milestone that brings fresh anxiety to the group of 54 South African medical students who had to flee their Ukrainian universities in February. The students are still waiting for decision-makers to respond to their request to be integrated in South African institutions in order to complete their studies.
Allowing medical students back from Ukraine to complete their course in India would need an amendment in the National Medical Council Act, according to experts. This is a task easier said than done.
Allowing medical students back from Ukraine to complete their course in India would need an amendment in the National Medical Council Act, according to experts. This is a task easier said than done.